Erlang/OTP Permuted Index

Permuted index of Erlang/OTP functions and commands



Same as apply(Func, Args, []). fprof:apply/2
Same as apply({Module, Function}, Args, []). fprof:apply/3
Convert the day of the week (integer [1-7]) to an abbreviated string. httpd_util:day/1
Convert the month as an integer (1-12) to an abbreviated string. httpd_util:month/1
  Abort the current transaction. mnesia:abort/1
Return the absolute filename of a program. os:find_executable/1
Return the absolute filename of a program. os:find_executable/2
Convert a relative Filename to an absolute name filename:absname/1
Return the target object's associated absolute name. CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_complete_file_name'/1
Convert the relative Filename to an absolute name, based on Directory. filename:absname/2
Return the absolute name of the target object orber_ifr:get_absolute_name/1
Convert a Erlang term into an abstract form erl_parse:abstract/1
Convert abstract form to an Erlang term erl_parse:normalise/1
  Accept a connection erl_connect:erl_accept/2
  Accept a connection from another node ei_connect:ei_accept/3
  Accept an incoming connection ssl_socket:accept/2
  Accept an incoming connection request. ssl:accept/1
  Accept an incoming connection request. ssl:accept/2
  Accept an incoming connection request on a listen socket. gen_tcp:accept/1
  Accept an incoming connection request on a listen socket. gen_tcp:accept/2
Inform the target object which event types the client will and will not accept in the future CosNotifyComm_NotifySubscribe:subscription_change/3
Close a socket returned by accept/1/2, connect/3/4, or listen/2. ssl:close/1
Open a file for access file:path_open/3
Change the access mode for the table. mnesia:change_table_access_mode/2
Block user from access to a directory for a certain amount of time. mod_security:block_user/4
Block user from access to a directory for a certain amount of time. mod_security:block_user/5
Limit access to a node from a specific number of named nodes net_kernel:allow/1
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/1
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/2
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/2
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/3
Execute Fun in AccessContext. mnesia:activity/3
Execute Fun in AccessContext. mnesia:activity/4
Wait for tables to be accessible. mnesia:wait_for_tables/2
Return the accessible disk logs on the current node. disk_log:accessible_logs/0
Return a list of nodes according to argument given erlang:nodes/1
Decrypt Cipher according to DES in CBC mode crypto:des_cbc_decrypt/3
Encrypt Text according to DES in CBC mode crypto:des_cbc_encrypt/3
Trace Item according to Flags. dbg:p/2
Generate stub and server code according to OMG/CORBA 2.0. ic:ic:gen/1
Generate stub and server code according to OMG/CORBA 2.0. ic:ic:gen/2
Partition List1 into two lists according to Pred lists:splitwith/2
Collect digit map letters according to the digit map megaco:eval_digit_map/1
Collect digit map letters according to the digit map megaco:eval_digit_map/2
Compile an ASN.1 module and generate encode/decode functions according to the encoding rules BER or PER. asn1ct:compile/1
Compile an ASN.1 module and generate encode/decode functions according to the encoding rules BER or PER. asn1ct:compile/2
Return the current date and time according to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) erlang:erlang:universaltime/0
Specify which account to use. ftp:account/2
Optionally invoked for a transaction acknowledgement megaco_user:handle_trans_ack/4
Give information about resolved and unresolved parse action conflicts yecc:yecc/2
Give information about resolved and unresolved parse action conflicts yecc:yecc/3
Give information about resolved and unresolved parse action conflicts yecc:yecc/4
  Activate a checkpoint. mnesia:activate_checkpoint/1
  Activate logging of eprof printouts. eprof:log/1
Send an alarm and makes it active eva:asend_alarm/5
Send an alarm and makes it active eva:send_alarm/5
Send an alarm and makes it active eva:send_alarm/6
Return information on whether there is any active alarm or not eva:get_alarm_status/0
Get all active alarms alarm_handler:get_alarms/0
Return the number of active alarms in the system eva:get_no_alarms/0
Return all active alarms matching Item eva:get_alarms/1
Lookup information about an active connection megaco:conn_info/2
Update information about an active connection megaco:update_conn_info/3
Return a list of all ConsumerAdmins, currently active, Id:s CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:get_all_consumeradmins/1
Return a list of all SupplierAdmins, currently active, Id:s CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:get_all_supplieradmins/1
Request a commit or rollback operation for all active operations on all statement handles associated with a connection odbc:sqlEndTran/2
Request a commit or rollback operation for all active operations on all statement handles associated with a connection odbc:sqlEndTran/3
Perform a control operation on the active trace port driver. dbg:trace_port_control/1
Return the actual file path to a URL. mod_alias:path/3
Cancel, if possible, triggering of event(s). Return true if an event is actually cancelled, false otherwise CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:cancel_timer/1
Check if a digraph is acyclic. digraph_utils:is_acyclic/1
Start the EVA SNMP adaptation service eva_snmp_adaptation:start_link/0
Create a new UTO object representing the time in the target object added to current time (UTC) CosTime_UTO:absolute_time/1
Check if certain Quality of Service properties can be added to events in the current context of the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyConsumer:validate_event_qos/2
Get Max property names. If the target object have additional associated properties they will be put in the returned Iterator CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_all_property_names/2
Cerate a new Erlang process with a function as entry point giving additional options erlang:spawn_opt/4
Start a tracer server with additional parameters dbg:tracer/2
Return true if the requested number of properties can be delivered and there are additional properties. Otherwise false is returned and a sequence of max HowMany properties CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator:next_n/2
Return HowMany Property Names and a boolean which is true if additional Property Names exists CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:next_n/2
Connect to Port at Address. ssl:connect/3
Connect to Port at Address. ssl:connect/4
Get the initial reference address. orber:get_ORBDefaultInitRef/0
Get the initial reference address. orber:get_ORBInitRef/0
Return a hostent record for the host with the given address inet:gethostbyaddr/1
Return the official name of the host with a certain address ssl_socket:resolve/1
Set up a server listening to Address ssl_socket:listen/4
Return an URL string constructed from the given Address and Name strings CosNaming_NamingContextExt:to_url/3
Return peer address and port. ssl:peername/1
Return the local address and port. ssl:sockname/1
Return the address and port for the other end of a connection. inet:peername/1
Send a packet to a specified Address and Port (from port associated with Id). gen_udp:send/4
Return the local address and port number for a socket. inet:sockname/1
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/1
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/2
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/2
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/3
List users that have authenticated within the SecurityAuthTimeout time for a given address (if specified), port number and directory (if specified). mod_security:list_auth_users/1
List users that have authenticated within the SecurityAuthTimeout time for a given address (if specified), port number and directory (if specified). mod_security:list_auth_users/2
List users that have authenticated within the SecurityAuthTimeout time for a given address (if specified), port number and directory (if specified). mod_security:list_auth_users/2
List users that have authenticated within the SecurityAuthTimeout time for a given address (if specified), port number and directory (if specified). mod_security:list_auth_users/3
Retrieve the IP address of the manager snmp:current_address/0
Return lowest and highest memory address used instrument:mem_limits/1
  Adjust left end of string string:left/2
  Adjust left end of string string:left/3
  Adjust right end of string string:right/2
  Adjust right end of string string:right/3
Return the default consumer admin associated with the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_consumer_admin/1
Return the default supplier admin associated with the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_supplier_admin/1
return the associated Admin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyConsumer:_get_MyAdmin/1
Return the target object's associated Admin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_get_MyAdmin/1
Return the ConsumerAdmin matching AdminID CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:get_consumeradmin/2
Return the SupplierAdmin matching AdminID CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:get_supplieradmin/2
  Administer subscription types CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyConsumer:obtain_subscription_types/2
  Administer the type of events the proxy supplies CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:obtain_offered_types/2
Set the administrative status of the log log:set_admin_status/2
Return a list of AdminProperties associated with the target object CosNotification_AdminPropertiesAdmin:get_admin/1
Update the AdminProperties for the target object CosNotification_AdminPropertiesAdmin:set_admin/2
Returns the number of rows affected by an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statement odbc:sqlRowCount/1
Returns the number of rows affected by an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statement odbc:sqlRowCount/2
Add an AGENT-CAPABILITY definition to the agent snmp:add_agent_caps/2
Delete an AGENT-CAPABILITY definition from the agent snmp:del_agent_caps/1
Load MIBs into the agent snmp:load_mibs/2
Perform a get operation on the agent snmp:get/2
Return all AGENT-CAPABILITY definitions in the agent snmp:get_agent_caps/0
Return information about the agent snmp:info/1
Unload MIBs from the agent snmp:unload_mibs/2
Configurate with a simple SNMP agent configuration tool snmp:config/0
Delete an AGENT-CAPABILITY definition from the agent snmp:del_agent_caps/1
Add an AGENT-CAPABILITY definition to the agent snmp:add_agent_caps/2
Return all AGENT-CAPABILITY definitions in the agent snmp:get_agent_caps/0
Start the SNMP supervisor for all agents snmp_supervisor:start_master/2
Start the SNMP supervisor for all agents snmp_supervisor:start_master/3
Extracts the browser and operating-system from AgentString mod_browser:getBrowser/1
Clear an alarm eva:aclear_alarm/1
Clear an alarm eva:clear_alarm/1
Clear an alarm eva:clear_alarm/2
Registers an alarm eva_snmp_adaptation:register_alarms/1
Return a fault id for a new alarm eva:get_fault_id/0
Send an alarm and makes it active eva:asend_alarm/5
Send an alarm and makes it active eva:send_alarm/5
Send an alarm and makes it active eva:send_alarm/6
Specify how much disk space can be used by each disk or partition before an alarm is sent disksup:get_almost_full_threshold/0
Specify how much memory can be allocated by one Erlang process before an alarm is sent memsup:get_procmem_high_watermark/0
Specify how much memory can be allocated by one Erlang process before an alarm is sent memsup:get_sysmem_high_watermark/0
Return information on whether there is any active alarm or not eva:get_alarm_status/0
Return the index of the first element in the alarm table eva:alarm_first/0
Return the next index in the alarm table eva:alarm_next/1
Set an alarm with an id alarm_handler:set_alarm/1
Register an alarm within EVA eva:register_alarm/4
Unregister an alarm within EVA eva:unregister_alarm/1
Clear the specified alarms alarm_handler:clear_alarm/1
Get all active alarms alarm_handler:get_alarms/0
Return the number of active alarms in the system eva:get_no_alarms/0
Return all active alarms matching Item eva:get_alarms/1
Instrumentation function for the alarmTable eva_snmp_adaptation:alarmTable/3
Expand a request uri using Alias config directives. mod_alias:real_name/3
Return the alias IDL typecode orber_tc:alias/3
Create a AliasDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_alias/5
Return the atom true if the current node is alive erlang:is_alive/0
Return the atom true if the process is alive erlang:is_process_alive/1
Return all Id:s for channels, currently alive, created by the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannelFactory:get_all_channels/1
  Allocate a driver binary erl_driver:ErlDrvBinary* driver_alloc_binary/1
  Allocate a new buffer ei:ei_x_new/1
  Allocate a new buffer ei:ei_x_new_with_version/1
  Allocate memory erl_driver:void *driver_alloc/1
Specify how much memory can be allocated by one Erlang process before an alarm is sent memsup:get_procmem_high_watermark/0
Specify how much memory can be allocated by one Erlang process before an alarm is sent memsup:get_sysmem_high_watermark/0
Free an allocated memory block erl_driver:void driver_free/1
Resize an allocated memory block erl_driver:void *driver_realloc/2
  Allocates an ETERM structure erl_malloc:erl_alloc_eterm/1
  Allocates some memory erl_malloc:erl_malloc/1
Specify parameters for Erlang internal memory allocation. erl_set_memory_block:erl_set_memory_block/6
Return memory allocation information c:memory/0
Return memory allocation information c:memory/1
Read memory allocation list instrument:read_memory_data/1
Return current memory allocation list instrument:memory_data/0
Sort a memory allocation list instrument:sort/1
Store the current memory allocation list on a file instrument:store_memory_data/1
Reports term allocation statistics erl_malloc:erl_eterm_statistics/2
Return a protected empty digraph, where cycles are allowed. digraph:new/0
Return the total amount of memory used instrument:sum_blocks/1
Suspend the calling process for Time amount of milliseconds. timer:sleep/1
Block user from access to a directory for a certain amount of time. mod_security:block_user/4
Block user from access to a directory for a certain amount of time. mod_security:block_user/5
Same as analyse([]). fprof:analyse/0
  Analyse a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse/1
  Analyse a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse/2
  Analyse a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse/2
  Analyse a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse/3
Same as analyse([OptionName]). fprof:analyse/1
Same as analyse([{OptionName, OptionValue}]). fprof:analyse/2
  Analyses raw profile data in the fprof server. fprof:analyse/1
Compile a module for Cover analysis. cover:compile/1
Compile a module for Cover analysis. cover:compile/2
Compile a module for Cover analysis. cover:compile_module/1
Compile a module for Cover analysis. cover:compile_module/2
Compile all modules in a directory for Cover analysis. cover:compile_directory/0
Compile all modules in a directory for Cover analysis. cover:compile_directory/1
Compile all modules in a directory for Cover analysis. cover:compile_directory/2
Evaluate a predefined analysis. xref:analyze/3
Detailed coverage analysis of a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse_to_file/1
Detailed coverage analysis of a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse_to_file/2
Replace an analyzed module. xref:replace_module/4
Remove analyzed modules. xref:remove_module/2
Replace newly compiled analyzed modules. xref:update/2
Return the ancestor channel CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:_get_MyChannel/1
Return the Osfamily and, in some cases, Osname of the current operating system. os:type/0
Get a COM interface from another. erl_com:query_interface/2
Send a message and waits fo an answer lib:sendw/2
Deliver the promised answer from a async_call operation rpc:yield/1
Deliver the promised answer from a async_call operation (non-blocking) rpc:nb_yield/1
Deliver the promised answer from a async_call operation (non-blocking) rpc:nb_yield/2
Make a call and return the answer in a list of characters. unix:cmd/1
Create a cursor in preparation for fetching answers mnemosyne:cursor/1
Create a cursor in preparation for fetching answers mnemosyne:cursor/2
Fetche the next answers mnemosyne:next_answers/1
Fetche the next answers mnemosyne:next_answers/3
Match the objects in an ETS table against a match_spec and returns part of the answers. ets:select/3
Match the objects in an ETS table against a pattern and returns part of the answers. ets:match/3
Match the objects in an ETS table against a pattern and returns part of the answers. ets:match_object/3
Send a message to servers on a specific set of nodes and collect the answers rpc:multi_server_call/3
Send a message to servers on all nodes and collect the answers rpc:multi_server_call/2
Return all answers from Cursor in a list mnemosyne:all_answers/1
Get all answers from the Handle mnemosyne:eval/1
>Send a message to servers on a specific set of nodes and collect the answers safely rpc:safe_multi_server_call/3
Send a message to servers on all nodes and collect the answers safely rpc:safe_multi_server_call/2
Return the #any{} defualt value associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:_get_default_value/1
Return the object associated, if any, with the given name string CosNaming_NamingContextExt:resolve_str/2
  append a chunk to the remote file. ftp:append_chunk/2
  Append a list of lists lists:append/1
  Append a value to keys in a dictionary dict:append/3
Transfer file to remote server, and append it to Remotefile. ftp:append/3
  Append new values to keys in a dictionary dict:append_list/3
  Append the file represented by the SourceFile from the target object's file system to a file in the destination FileTransferSession's file system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:append/3
  Append two lists lists:append/2
Return a new path with the default resource or file appended. mod_alias:default_index/2
Stop transfer of chunks for appending. ftp:append_chunk_end/1
Reverse a list appending a tail lists:reverse/2
Start transfer of file chunks for appending to File. ftp:append_chunk_start/2
  Appends a buffer at the end ei:ei_x_append/2
  Appends a buffer at the end ei:ei_x_append_buf/3
Install data in mnesia necessary for running the cosProperty applicatio cosProperty:install_db/0
Add the modules of an application. xref:add_application/3
Clean up before termination of an application. application:Module:stop/1
Extended start of an application. application:Module:start_phase/3
Get the configuration parameters for an application. application:get_all_env/0
Get the configuration parameters for an application. application:get_all_env/1
Install the cosEvent application cosEventApp:install/0
Install the cosFileTransfer application cosFileTransferApp:install/0
Install the cosNotification application cosNotificationApp:install/0
Install the cosNotification application cosNotificationApp:install/1
Install the cosTime Time Service part application cosTime:install_time/0
Install the cosTime Timer Event Service part application cosTime:install_timerevent/0
Install the Orber application orber:install/1
Install the Orber application orber:install/2
Load an application. application:load/1
Load an application. application:load/2
Load and start an application. application:start/1
Load and start an application. application:start/2
Remove all data from mnesia related to the cosProperty application cosProperty:uninstall_db/0
Remove all data in the IFR related to the cosProperty application cosProperty:uninstall/0
Start an application. application:Module:start/2
Start the cosEvent application cosEventApp:start/0
Start the cosFileTransfer application cosFileTransferApp:start/0
Start the cosNotification application cosNotificationApp:start/0
Start the cosProperty application cosProperty:start/0
Start the cosTime application cosTime:start/0
Start the cosTransactions application cosTransactions:start/0
Start the Orber application orber:start/0
Starts the Megaco application megaco:start/0
Stop an application. application:stop/1
Stop the cosEvent application cosEventApp:stop/0
Stop the cosFileTransfer application cosFileTransferApp:stop/0
Stop the cosNotification application cosNotificationApp:stop/0
Stop the cosProperty application cosProperty:stop/0
Stop the cosTime application cosTime:stop/0
Stop the cosTransactions application cosTransactions:stop/0
Stop the Orber application orber:stop/0
Stops the Megaco application megaco:stop
Stops the Megaco application megaco:stop/0
Take over a distributed application. application:takeover/2
Uninstall the cosEvent application cosEventApp:uninstall/0
Uninstall the cosFileTransfer application cosFileTransferApp:uninstall/0
Uninstall the cosNotification application cosNotificationApp:uninstall/0
Uninstall the cosNotification application cosNotificationApp:uninstall/1
Uninstall the cosTime Time Service part application cosTime:uninstall_time/0
Uninstall the cosTime Timer Event Service part application cosTime:uninstall_timerevent/0
Uninstall the Orber application orber:uninstall/0
Unload an application. application:unload/1
Update the configuration parameters for an application. application:Module:config_change/3
Start the Orber application as lightweight orber:start_lightweight/0
Start the Orber application as lightweight orber:start_lightweight/1
Get the name of an application containing a certain process or module. application:get_application/0
Get the name of an application containing a certain process or module. application:get_application/1
Prepare an application for termination. application:Module:prep_stop/1
Return the current time and the Inaccuracy given when starting this application in a UTO CosTime_TimeService:universal_time/1
Install the cosProperty application in the IFR cosProperty:install/0
Get the value of an application specification key. application:get_key/1
Get the value of an application specification key. application:get_key/2
Get the application specification keys. application:get_all_key/0
Get the application specification keys. application:get_all_key/1
Is the application started as lightweight? orber:is_lightweight/0
Get the start type of an ongoing application startup. application:start_type/0
Get the currently loaded applications. application:loaded_applications/0
Get the currently running applications. application:which_applications/0
Remove releases and their applications and modules. xref:remove_release/2
Remove applications and their modules. xref:remove_application/2
Replace an application's modules. xref:replace_application/4
Change an application's permission to run on a node. application:permit/2
  Apply a function to all or some objects stored in a Dets table. dets:traverse/2
  Apply a match specification to all objects stored in a Dets table. dets:select/2
  Apply a match specification to some objects stored in a Dets table. dets:select/1
  Apply a match specification to the first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table. dets:select/3
  Apply function to each element of a list lists:foreach/2
  Apply Module:Function(Arguments) after a specified Time. timer:apply_after/4
Same as apply(Func, Args, []). fprof:apply/2
Return the result of applying Function in Module on ArgumentList erlang:apply/3
Return the result of applying Function in Module on ArgumentList erlang:apply/3
Evaluate apply(M,F,Args) with all trace flags set. dbg:c/3
Evaluate apply(M,F,Args) with Flags trace flags set. dbg:c/4
Same as apply({Module, Function}, Args, []). fprof:apply/3
Same as apply({Module, Function}, Args, OptionList). fprof:apply/4
Measure the real time it takes to evaluate apply(Module, Function, Arguments) timer:tc/3
Start Appmon. appmon:start/0
Parse output from a CGI script and generates an appropriate HTTP status code. mod_cgi:status_code/1
Portable hash function that will give the same hash for the same erlang term regardless of machine architecture and ERTS version erlang:erlang:phash/2
A utility similar to VxWorks memPartInfoGet, but for the Erlang memory area. erl_set_memory_block:erl_mem_info_get/1
A utility similar to VxWorks memShow, but for the Erlang memory area. erl_set_memory_block:erl_memory_show/1
Same as apply(Func, Args, []). fprof:apply/2
Same as apply({Module, Function}, Args, []). fprof:apply/3
Same as apply({Module, Function}, Args, OptionList). fprof:apply/4
Calls erlang:apply(Func, Args) surrounded by trace([start | OptionList]) and trace(stop). fprof:apply/3
Start a slave node at Host called Name@Host and passes Args to new node slave:start/3
Get values associated with an argument. init:get_argument/1
Return a list of nodes according to argument given erlang:nodes/1
Return an integer which is the size of the argument Item erlang:size/1
Create a Mnesia table called Name with properties as described by the argument TabDef. mnesia:create_table/2
Return a tuple which is a copy of the argument Tuple erlang:setelement/3
Return the result of applying Function in Module on ArgumentList erlang:apply/3
Return the result of applying Function in Module on ArgumentList erlang:apply/3
Get all flag arguments. init:get_arguments/0
Get all (non-flag) arguments. init:get_args/0
Get all (non-flag) arguments. init:get_plain_arguments/0
Measure the real time it takes to evaluate apply(Module, Function, Arguments) timer:tc/3
Test for an arithmetic operator erl_internal:arith_op/2
Return a new tuple of the given Arity erlang:erlang:make_tuple/2
Return the arity of a tuple or binary erl_eterm:erl_size/1
Creates a list from an array erl_eterm:erl_mk_list/2
Creates an Erlang tuple from an array erl_eterm:erl_mk_tuple/2
Return the number of elements in the array orber_ifr:get_length/1
Set the number of elements in the array orber_ifr:set_length/2
Return the array IDL typecode orber_tc:array/2
Frees an array of ETERM structures erl_malloc:erl_free_array/2
Frees an array of ETERM structures erl_malloc:erl_free_compound/1
Create an IFR objref of the type ArrayDef orber_ifr:create_array/3
Invoke when requests arrive at the server side ORB interceptors:in_request/6
Invoke when requests arrive at the server side ORB with undecoded request body interceptors:in_request_encoded/6
Invoke when replies arrives at the client side ORB interceptors:in_reply/6
Invoke when replies arrives at the client side ORB with undecoded reply body interceptors:in_reply_encoded/6
Return a list of integers (ASCII codes) which correspond to Integer erlang:integer_to_list/1
>Returns a list of integers (ASCII codes) which corresponds to Float erlang:float_to_list/1
Set transfer type to ascii or binary. ftp:type/2
Convert a base64 encoded string to a plain ascii string. httpd_util:decode_base64/1
Convert an ASCII string to a Base64 encoded string. httpd_util:encode_base64/1
Return a float whose text representation is the integers (ASCII-values) in AsciiIntegerList erlang:list_to_float/1
Return a Pid whose text representation is the integers (ASCII-values) in AsciiIntegerList erlang:list_to_pid/1
Return an integer whose text representation is the integers (ASCII-values) in AsciiIntegerList erlang:list_to_integer/1
Return a float whose text representation is the integers (ASCII-values) in AsciiIntegerList erlang:list_to_float/1
Return a Pid whose text representation is the integers (ASCII-values) in AsciiIntegerList erlang:list_to_pid/1
Return an integer whose text representation is the integers (ASCII-values) in AsciiIntegerList erlang:list_to_integer/1
Start the ASN.1 database server. asn1ct:start/1
Stop the ASN.1 database server. asn1ct:stop/0
Perform a test of encode and decode for types in an ASN.1 module. asn1ct:test/1
Perform a test of encode and decode for types in an ASN.1 module. asn1ct:test/2
Perform a test of encode and decode for types in an ASN.1 module. asn1ct:test/3
Compile an ASN.1 module and generate encode/decode functions according to the encoding rules BER or PER. asn1ct:compile/1
Compile an ASN.1 module and generate encode/decode functions according to the encoding rules BER or PER. asn1ct:compile/2
Decode from Bytes into an ASN.1 value. asn1ct:decode/3
Decode from bytes into an ASN.1 value. asn1rt:decode/3
Encode an ASN.1 value. asn1ct:encode/3
Encode an ASN.1 value. asn1rt:encode/3
Validate an ASN.1 value. asn1ct:validate/3
Validate an ASN.1 value. asn1rt:validate/3
Create an ASN.1 value for test purposes. asn1ct:value/2
  Assign a binary object registry:ei_reg_setpval/4
  Assign a floating point object registry:ei_reg_setfval/3
  Assign a new controlling process to a socket gen_tcp:controlling_process/2
  Assign a new controlling process to the socket. ssl:controlling_process/2
  Assign a new verbosity for the process snmp:verbosity/2
  Assign a reference to a column in a result set odbc:sqlBindColumn/3
  Assign a reference to a column in a result set odbc:sqlBindColumn/4
  Assign a string object registry:ei_reg_setsval/3
  Assign a value to any object type registry:ei_reg_setval/5
  Assign an integer object registry:ei_reg_setival/3
  Associate a new property with the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef:define_property_with_mode/4
  Associate a UDP port number with the process calling it. gen_udp:open/1
  Associate a UDP port number with the process calling it. gen_udp:open/2
Add a new Value to the process dictionary and associate it with Key erlang:put/2
  Associate the given Property Definitions with the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef:define_properties_with_modes/2
  Associate the name Name with the port or process identity P erlang:register/2
Return the target object's associated absolute name. CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_complete_file_name'/1
return the associated Admin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyConsumer:_get_MyAdmin/1
Return the target object's associated Admin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_get_MyAdmin/1
Return the objects associated channel CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:_get_MyChannel/1
Get contents of the associated column. odbc:readData/2
Get contents of the associated column. odbc:readData/3
Return the target object's all associated constraints CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:get_all_mapping_constraints/1
Return the target object's associated constraints with given ID:s CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:get_mapping_constraints/2
Return a UTO containing the time at which the associated event was triggered CosTimerEvent_TimerEventService:event_time/2
Change the current working directory of the target object's associated file system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:set_directory/2
Delete the file or directory, represented by the File object, from the target objects associated file system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:delete/2
Return the target object's associated file system CosFileTransfer_VirtualFileSystem:'_get_file_system_type'/1
Create a new directory in the target objects associated file systems domain CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:create_directory/2
Return the target object's associated FileTransferSession CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_associated_session'/1
Return the object associated, if any, with the given name string CosNaming_NamingContextExt:resolve_str/2
Return the associated lifetime MappingFilter CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:_get_lifetime_filter/1
Return the target object's associated lifetime MappingFilter CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_get_lifetime_filter/1
Set the target object's associated lifetime MappingFilter CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_set_lifetime_filter/2
Return the target object's associated name CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_name'/1
Return the associated priority MappingFilter CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:_get_priority_filter/1
Return the target object's associated priority MappingFilter CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_get_priority_filter/1
Set the target object's associated priority MappingFilter CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_set_priority_filter/2
Get Max property names. If the target object have additional associated properties they will be put in the returned Iterator CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_all_property_names/2
Return true if the target have an associated property with given name CosPropertyService_PropertySet:is_property_defined/2
Return all associated pull consumers Id:s CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:_get_pull_consumers/1
Return a list of all associated pull supplier Id:s CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:_get_pull_suppliers/1
Return all associated push consumers Id:s CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:_get_push_consumers/1
Return a list of all associated push supplier Id:s CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:_get_push_suppliers/1
Register the parameter SubtransactionAwareResource object such that it will be notified when the transaction, associated wit the target object, has committed or rolled back CosTransactions_Coordinator:register_subtran_aware/2
Request a commit or rollback operation for all active operations on all statement handles associated with a connection odbc:sqlEndTran/2
Request a commit or rollback operation for all active operations on all statement handles associated with a connection odbc:sqlEndTran/3
Get the data associated with a debug option sys:get_debug/3
Increment the variable associated with a discarded pdu snmp_mpd:discarded_pdu/1
Return the information associated with a given item for a Dets table. dets:info/2
Extract the values associated with a key in a ETS table. httpd_util:multi_lookup/2
Extract the first value associated with a key in an ETS table. httpd_util:lookup/2
Extract the first value associated with a key in an ETS table. httpd_util:lookup/3
Return the list of objects associated with a slot of a Dets table. dets:slot/2
Return the mime type associated with a specific file suffix. httpd_util:lookup_mime/2
Return the mime type associated with a specific file suffix. httpd_util:lookup_mime/3
Return the mime type associated with a specific file suffix or the value of the DefaultType. httpd_util:lookup_mime_default/2
Return the mime type associated with a specific file suffix or the value of the DefaultType. httpd_util:lookup_mime_default/3
Get values associated with an argument. init:get_argument/1
Stop the query associated with Cursor mnemosyne:delete_cursor/1
Close the preprocessing of the file associated with Epp epp:close/1
Return the information associated with given item for an ETS table. ets:info/2
Return the property value associated with given name CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_property_value/2
Return all properties associated with given names CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_properties/2
Send a packet to a specified Address and Port (from port associated with Id). gen_udp:send/4
Return and delete the value associated with Key from the process dictionary erlang:erase/1
Return the value associated with Key in the process dictionary erlang:get/1
Return the list of records that are associated with Slot in a table. mnesia:dirty_slot/2
Return the channel object associated with the given Id CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannelFactory:get_event_channel/2
Return the name associated with the object. CosTransactions_Coordinator:get_transaction_name/1
Return a boolean which indicates whether the transction associated with the target object is a descendant of the transaction associated with the parameter object CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_descendant_transaction/2
Return true if the transction associated with the target object is related to the transaction associated with the parameter object CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_same_transaction/2
Close the connection associated with the Server odbc:sqlDisConnect/1
Close the connection associated with the Server odbc:sqlDisConnect/2
Get the most derived Contained object associated with the target object orber_ifr:get_containing_repository/1
Get the number of properties associated with the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_number_of_properties/1
Modify the constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:modify_constraints/3
Register the parameter Resource object as a participant in the transaction associated with the target object CosTransactions_Coordinator:register_resource/2
Remove a filter associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin:remove_filter/2
Remove all constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_Filter:remove_all_constraints/1
Remove all constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:remove_all_mapping_constraints/1
Return a hash code for the top-level transaction associated with the target object CosTransactions_Coordinator:hash_top_level_tran/1
Return a hash code for the transaction associated with the target object. CosTransactions_Coordinator:hash_transaction/1
Return a list of AdminProperties associated with the target object CosNotification_AdminPropertiesAdmin:get_admin/1
Return a list of all filter Id:s associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin:get_all_filters/1
Return all constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_Filter:get_all_constraints/1
Return all NotifySubscribe Id's associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_Filter:get_callbacks/1
Return the #any{} defualt value associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:_get_default_value/1
Return the Coordinator object associated with the target object CosTransactions_Control:get_coordinator/1
Return the CORBA::TypeCode of the default value associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:_get_value_type/1
Return the default consumer admin associated with the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_consumer_admin/1
Return the default filter factory associated with the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_filter_factory/1
Return the default supplier admin associated with the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_supplier_admin/1
Return the inaccuracy associated with the target object CosTime_UTO:'_get_inaccuracy'/1
Return the interval associated with the target object CosTime_TIO:'_get_time_interval'/1
Return the status of the top-level transaction associated with the target object CosTransactions_Coordinator:get_top_level_status/1
Return the status of the transaction associated with the target object CosTransactions_Coordinator:get_status/1
Return the Terminator object associated with the target object CosTransactions_Control:get_terminator/1
Return the time associated with the target object CosTime_UTO:'_get_time'/1
Return the time displacement factor associated with the target object CosTime_UTO:'_get_tdf'/1
Compare the time associated with the target object and the given UTO object CosTime_UTO:compare_time/3
Return the data associated with the target object in Utc form CosTime_UTO:'_get_utc_time'/1
Return a boolean which indicates whether the transction associated with the target object is a descendant of the transaction associated with the parameter object CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_descendant_transaction/2
Return true if the transction associated with the target object is a top-level transaction CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_top_level_transaction/1
Return true if the transction associated with the target object is related to the transaction associated with the parameter object CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_same_transaction/2
Modify the transaction associated with the target object so the only possible outcome is to rollback the transaction CosTransactions_Coordinator:rollback_only/1
Return a list Max properties or less. If more properties are associated with the target object they will be put in the PropertiesIterator. CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_all_properties/2
Deliver the promised answer from a async_call operation rpc:yield/1
Deliver the promised answer from a async_call operation (non-blocking) rpc:nb_yield/1
Deliver the promised answer from a async_call operation (non-blocking) rpc:nb_yield/2
Cancel an asynchronous call erl_driver:int driver_async_cancel/1
Called when an asynchronous call has returned driver_entry:void ready_async/2
Perform an asynchronous call within a driver erl_driver:long driver_async/3
Handle an asynchronous event. gen_fsm:Module:StateName/2
Handle an asynchronous event. gen_fsm:Module:handle_event/3
Handle an asynchronous request. gen_server:Module:handle_cast/2
Send an asynchronous request to a generic server. gen_server:cast/2
Send an asynchronous request to several generic servers. gen_server:abcast/2
Send an asynchronous request to several generic servers. gen_server:abcast/3
  Asynchronously log an item onto a disk log. disk_log:alog/2
  Asynchronously log an item onto a disk log. disk_log:balog/2
  Asynchronously log several items onto a disk log. disk_log:alog_terms/2
  Asynchronously log several items onto a disk log. disk_log:balog_terms/2
Send an event asynchronously to a generic FSM. gen_fsm:send_all_state_event/2
Send an event asynchronously to a generic FSM. gen_fsm:send_event/2
Broadcast a message asynchronously to a registered process on all nodes rpc:abcast/2
Broadcast a message asynchronously to a registered process on specific nodes rpc:abcast/3
Evaluate a function asyncronously on a node and return a key which can be used at a later stage to collect results rpc:async_call/4
Creates an atom erl_eterm:erl_mk_atom/1
Decode an atom ei:ei_decode_atom/3
Encode an atom ei:ei_encode_atom/3
Encode an atom ei:ei_x_encode_atom/2
Encode an atom ei:ei_x_encode_atom_len/3
Return an atom io_lib:write_atom/1
Set the "magic cookie" of Node to the atom Cookie erlang:erlang:set_cookie/2
Return an atom describing the primitive type orber_ifr:get_kind/1
Make an atom from a name erl_driver:ErlDriverTerm driver_mk_atom/1
Return the atom true if the module contained in atom Module is loaded erlang:erlang:module_loaded/1
Get erlang error atom name from error number erl_driver:char* erl_errno_id/1
Return the atom true if the current node is alive erlang:is_alive/0
Return the atom true if the module contained in atom Module is loaded erlang:erlang:module_loaded/1
Return the atom true if the process is alive erlang:is_process_alive/1
Return an atom whose text representation is the integers (Latin-1 codes) in CharIntegerList erlang:list_to_atom/1
  Atomically re-register Pid for Name global:re_register_name/2
  Atomically re-register Pid for Name global:re_register_name/3
Concatenate a list of atoms lists:concat/1
Create a set of atoms. sofs:set/2
Start a new node and attach it to an already existing pool pool:new_node/2
Automatically attach to a process using Function as the attachment method int:auto_attach/2
Automatically attach to a process using Function as the attachment method. i:iaa/2
  Attaches to a process i:ia/1
  Attaches to a process i:ia/2
  Attaches to a process i:ia/3
  Attaches to a process i:ia/4
Automatically attaches to a process i:iaa/1
Automatically attaches to a process int:auto_attach/1
Automatically attach to a process using Function as the attachment method int:auto_attach/2
Automatically attach to a process using Function as the attachment method. i:iaa/2
Set the params attibute of the target object to the given parameterdescription records orber_ifr:set_params/2
Pretty print an attribute erl_pp:attribute/1
Pretty print an attribute erl_pp:attribute/2
set Connection Attribute odbc:sqlSetConnectAttr/3
set Connection Attribute odbc:sqlSetConnectAttr/4
Set the BaseInterfaces attribute orber_ifr:set_base_interfaces/2
Set the attribute discriminator_type_def for the target object to the given TypeDef orber_ifr:set_discriminator_type_def/2
Set the context attribute for the operation orber_ifr:set_contexts/2
Set the exceptions attribute for the target object orber_ifr:set_exceptions/2
Return the value attribute of the target ConstantDef object orber_ifr:get_value/1
Set the value attribute of the target ConstantDef object orber_ifr:set_value/2
Set the members attribute of the target object orber_ifr:set_members/2
Set the type_def attribute of the target object to the given ResultDef orber_ifr:set_result_def/2
Set the element_type_def attribute of the target object to the given TypeDef orber_ifr:set_element_type_def/2
Set the original_type_def attribute which describes the original type orber_ifr:set_original_type_def/2
Create an IFR object of the type AttributeDef contained in the target InterfaceDef object orber_ifr:create_attribute/6
Get the mode of the target object (AttributeDef or OperationDef) orber_ifr:get_mode/1
Set the mode of the target object (AttributeDef or OperationDef) to the given mode orber_ifr:set_mode/2
Change the size of the Audit Trail Log snmp:change_log_size/1
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmp:log_to_txt/2
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmp:log_to_txt/3
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmp:log_to_txt/4
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmp:log_to_txt/5
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmp:log_to_txt/6
Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmp:log_to_txt/7
Start the auth server auth:start/0
Stop the auth server auth:stop/0
Change the AuthAcessPassword mod_auth:update_password/5
Change the AuthAcessPassword mod_auth:update_password/6
List users that have authenticated within the SecurityAuthTimeout time for a given address (if specified), port number and directory (if specified). mod_security:list_auth_users/1
List users that have authenticated within the SecurityAuthTimeout time for a given address (if specified), port number and directory (if specified). mod_security:list_auth_users/2
List users that have authenticated within the SecurityAuthTimeout time for a given address (if specified), port number and directory (if specified). mod_security:list_auth_users/2
List users that have authenticated within the SecurityAuthTimeout time for a given address (if specified), port number and directory (if specified). mod_security:list_auth_users/3
Compute an MD5 MAC message authentification code crypto:md5_mac/2
Compute an MD5 MAC message authentification code crypto:md5_mac_96/2
Compute an MD5 MAC message authentification code crypto:sha_mac/2
Compute an MD5 MAC message authentification code crypto:sha_mac_96/2
Return status of communication authorization auth:is_auth/1
  Automatically attach to a process using Function as the attachment method int:auto_attach/2
  Automatically attach to a process using Function as the attachment method. i:iaa/2
  Automatically attaches to a process i:iaa/1
  Automatically attaches to a process int:auto_attach/1
Provide a list of available crypto functions. crypto:info/0
Give a list of available help items on standard output. dbg:h/0
Get the system load average for the last fifteen minutes cpu_sup:avg15/0
Get the system load average for the last five minutes cpu_sup:avg5/0
Get the system load average from the last minute cpu_sup:avg1/0