
Reference Manual

Version 3.5.1

Table of Contents




Module Summary

Generate Emacs TAGS file from Erlang source files


A TAGS file is used by Emacs to find function and variable definitions in any source file in large projects. This module can generate a TAGS file from Erlang source files. It recognises functions, records, and macro definitions.

file(File) -> ok | error
file(File, Options) -> ok | error


Options = [option()]
option() =
    {outfile, NameOfTAGSFile :: file:filename()} |
    {outdir, NameOfDirectory :: file:filename()}

Create a TAGS file for the file File.

files(FileList) -> ok | error
files(FileList, Options) -> ok | error


FileList = [file:filename()]
Options = [option()]
option() =
    {outfile, NameOfTAGSFile :: file:filename()} |
    {outdir, NameOfDirectory :: file:filename()}

Create a TAGS file for the files in the list FileList.

dir(Dir) -> ok | error
dir(Dir, Options) -> ok | error


Options = [option()]
option() =
    {outfile, NameOfTAGSFile :: file:filename()} |
    {outdir, NameOfDirectory :: file:filename()}

Create a TAGS file for all files in directory Dir.

dirs(DirList) -> ok | error
dirs(DirList, Options) -> ok | error


DirList = [file:filename()]
Options = [option()]
option() =
    {outfile, NameOfTAGSFile :: file:filename()} |
    {outdir, NameOfDirectory :: file:filename()}

Create a TAGS file for all files in any directory in DirList.

subdir(Dir) -> ok | error
subdir(Dir, Options) -> ok | error


Options = [option()]
option() =
    {outfile, NameOfTAGSFile :: file:filename()} |
    {outdir, NameOfDirectory :: file:filename()}

Descend recursively down the directory Dir and create a TAGS file based on all files found.

subdirs(DirList) -> ok | error
subdirs(DirList, Options) -> ok | error


DirList = [file:filename()]
Options = [option()]
option() =
    {outfile, NameOfTAGSFile :: file:filename()} |
    {outdir, NameOfDirectory :: file:filename()}

Descend recursively down all the directories in DirList and create a TAGS file based on all files found.

root() -> ok | error
root(Options) -> ok | error


Options = [option()]
option() =
    {outfile, NameOfTAGSFile :: file:filename()} |
    {outdir, NameOfDirectory :: file:filename()}

Create a TAGS file covering all files in the Erlang distribution.


The functions above have an optional argument, Options. It is a list which can contain the following elements:

  • {outfile, NameOfTAGSFile} Create a TAGS file named NameOfTAGSFile.
  • {outdir, NameOfDirectory} Create a file named TAGS in the directory NameOfDirectory.

The default behaviour is to create a file named TAGS in the current directory.


  • tags:root([{outfile, "root.TAGS"}]).

    This command will create a file named root.TAGS in the current directory. The file will contain references to all Erlang source files in the Erlang distribution.

  • tags:files(["foo.erl", "bar.erl", "baz.erl"], [{outdir, "../projectdir"}]).

    Here we create file named TAGS placed it in the directory ../projectdir. The file contains information about the functions, records, and macro definitions of the three files.


  • Richard M. Stallman. GNU Emacs Manual, chapter "Editing Programs", section "Tag Tables". Free Software Foundation, 1995.
  • Anders Lindgren. The Erlang editing mode for Emacs. Ericsson, 1998.