View Source et (et v1.7.1)

Main API of the Event Trace (ET) application

Interface module for the Event Trace (ET) application



These functions sends a signal to the outer space and the caller hopes that someone is listening. In other words, they invoke et:trace_me/4 and et:trace_me/5 respectively.

Deprecated functions which for the time being are kept for backwards compatibility. Invokes et:trace_me/4 and et:trace_me/5 respectively.

Invokes et:trace_me/5 with both From and To set to FromTo.

A function that is intended to be traced.


Link to this type


View Source (not exported)
-type actor() :: term().
Link to this type


View Source (not exported)
-type level() :: 0..100.


Link to this function

phone_home(DetailLevel, FromTo, Label, Contents)

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-spec phone_home(DetailLevel, FromTo, Label, Contents) -> hopefully_traced
                        DetailLevel :: level(),
                        FromTo :: actor(),
                        Label :: atom() | string() | term(),
                        Contents :: [{Key :: term(), Value :: term()}] | term().

Equivalent to phone_home/5.

Link to this function

phone_home(DetailLevel, From, To, Label, Contents)

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-spec phone_home(DetailLevel, From, To, Label, Contents) -> hopefully_traced
                        DetailLevel :: level(),
                        From :: actor(),
                        To :: actor(),
                        Label :: atom() | string() | term(),
                        Contents :: [{Key :: term(), Value :: term()}] | term().

These functions sends a signal to the outer space and the caller hopes that someone is listening. In other words, they invoke et:trace_me/4 and et:trace_me/5 respectively.

Link to this function

report_event(DetailLevel, FromTo, Label, Contents)

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-spec report_event(DetailLevel, FromTo, Label, Contents) -> hopefully_traced
                          DetailLevel :: level(),
                          FromTo :: actor(),
                          Label :: atom() | string() | term(),
                          Contents :: [{Key :: term(), Value :: term()}] | term().

Equivalent to report_event/5.

Link to this function

report_event(DetailLevel, From, To, Label, Contents)

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-spec report_event(DetailLevel, From, To, Label, Contents) -> hopefully_traced
                          DetailLevel :: level(),
                          From :: actor(),
                          To :: actor(),
                          Label :: atom() | string() | term(),
                          Contents :: [{Key :: term(), Value :: term()}] | term().

Deprecated functions which for the time being are kept for backwards compatibility. Invokes et:trace_me/4 and et:trace_me/5 respectively.

Link to this function

trace_me(DetailLevel, FromTo, Label, Contents)

View Source (since OTP R13B04)
-spec trace_me(DetailLevel, FromTo, Label, Contents) -> hopefully_traced
                      DetailLevel :: level(),
                      FromTo :: actor(),
                      Label :: atom() | string() | term(),
                      Contents :: [{Key :: term(), Value :: term()}] | term().

Invokes et:trace_me/5 with both From and To set to FromTo.

Link to this function

trace_me(DetailLevel, From, To, Label, Contents)

View Source (since OTP R13B04)
-spec trace_me(DetailLevel, From, To, Label, Contents) -> hopefully_traced
                      DetailLevel :: level(),
                      From :: actor(),
                      To :: actor(),
                      Label :: atom() | string() | term(),
                      Contents :: [{Key :: term(), Value :: term()}] | term().

A function that is intended to be traced.

This function is intended to be invoked at strategic places in user applications in order to enable simplified tracing. The functions are extremely light weight as they do nothing besides returning an atom. The functions are designed for being traced. The global tracing mechanism in et_collector defaults to set its trace pattern to these functions.

The label is intended to provide a brief summary of the event. It is preferred to use an atom but a string would also do.

The contents can be any term but in order to simplify post processing of the traced events, a plain list of {Key, Value} tuples is preferred.

Some events, such as messages, are directed from some actor to another. Other events (termed actions) may be undirected and only have one actor.