2nd ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop

Uppsala, August 29, 2003

Satellite event of Principles, Logics, and Implementations of High-Level Programming Languages, Uppsala University, August 25-29, 2003



Erlang is a concurrent functional programming language aimed at large applications, especially for distributed, highly available systems. Many Erlang programs of today are among the largest applications written in any functional programming language.

These applications offer new opportunities to evaluate functional programming and functional programming methods on a very large scale and suggest new problems for the research community to solve.

Erlang with its vast set of libraries (including for example a distributed realtime database) has been available as open source for some years now, facilitating the spreading of the language as well as cooperation with academic research.

This workshop will bring together the academic and the industrial functional programming communities, enabling the participants to draw lessons from the experiences so far, and to identify research problems relevant to the practice of functional programming.

Workshop Chairman
    Bjarne Däcker
Program Chairman
    Thomas Arts, IT University, Göteborg, Sweden
Program Committee
    Rex Page, Oklahoma University
John Hughes, Chalmers, Göteborg
Víctor M. Gulías, University of A Coruña
Erik Stenman, EPFL, Lausanne
Håkan Millroth, Nortel, Sta Clara, CA
Francesco Cesarini, Erlang Consulting, London

Workshop Program
08.30   Registration
Session I
09.00 Welcome / Introduction
09.10 Conceptual Integrity in Erlang or the Meaning of the !! Operator
Joe Armstrong, SICS - Invited Lecture
10.00 Evaluating Distributed Functional Languages for Telecommunications Software    (pdf)
J.H. Nyström and P.W.Trinder, Heriot-Watt University, and D.J. King, Motorola
10.30 Coffee break
Session II
11.00 Automated Test Generation for Industrial Erlang Applications    (pdf)
Johan Blom and Bengt Jonsson, Uppsala University
11.30 Extending the VoDKa Architecture to Improve Resource Modeling    (pdf)
Juan José Sanchez Penas and Carlos Abalde Ramiro, University of A Coruña
12.00 Armistice: An Experience Developing Management Software with Erlang    (pdf)
David Cabrero, Carlos Abalde, Carlos Varela and Laura Castro, University of A Coruña
12.30 Lunch
Session III
14.00 Erlang Rationale    (pdf)
Mike Williams, Ericsson - Invited lecture
14.30 Parametrized Modules in Erlang    (pdf)
Richard Carlsson, Uppsala University
15.00 All You Wanted to Know About the HIPE Compiler (and might have been afraid to ask)    (pdf)
K. Sagonas, M. Pettersson, R. Carlsson, P. Gustafsson and T. Lindahl, Uppsala University
15.30 Tea break
Session IV
16.00 A Study of Erlang ETS Table Implementation and Performance    (pdf)
Scott Lystig Fritchie, Snookles Music Consulting
16.30 A Soft-typing System for Erlang    (pdf)
Sven-Olof Nyström, Uppsala University
17.00 Discussion / Report from the Program Committee / Closing comments

    Uppsala university main building, please see the PLI'03 web site

Registration Details
    ACM/SIGPLAN members - $100
Non ACM/SIGPLAN members - $110
For registration, please see the PLI'03 web site

    PLI'03 web site http://www.it.uu.se/pli03/
Erlang workshop photographs
Erlang workshop participants