Collateral Damage

Michael Malter airlangue@REDACTED
Mon Apr 25 16:46:59 CEST 2022

Come on, there is no bashing. Most of us prefer Erlang and don't want
Erlang to become Elixir, that is all.

That simple view seems very difficult to accept for some Elixir folks.
That's fine, we won't cry.

The linguistic metaphor is useful there. It's hard for non english language
to survive nowadays. There is a network effect, universal language tend to
develop uniformity.

Aside from that, there might be some saltiness. The following happened to
me multiple times:
- I apply to a job with an erlang resume
- people are impressed "wow, the guy does Erlang"
- turns out "yeah it's very cool that you know Erlang well but do it in
Elixir anyway". It even happens on fresh projects.
- Me: "Why. I'll be way faster in Erlang, that is what I know."
- Frustration

Le lun. 25 avr. 2022 à 16:29, Onorio Catenacci <onorio.catenacci.3@REDACTED>
a écrit :

> Hi all,
> If you don't like the proposal, that's your privilege.  I see no reason to
> bash on Elixir due to your dislike of this particular proposal though.  I
> do believe (and I'm sure I will be corrected if I'm wrong) that Elixir has
> had a few positive contributions to Erlang and, of course, Elixir couldn't
> exist without Erlang.  Erlang and Elixir can both be great languages on the
> BEAM and can both prosper without either of them bad-mouthing the other.
> I don't hear people running down LFE or Gleam--but I don't think either of
> those languages has achieved the success that Elixir has either so I guess
> that makes some sense.
> I can certainly understand the passion that people feel about Erlang and I
> can certainly understand being disappointed in seeing a great language sort
> of bypassed by something that some could consider a shiny-new-object of a
> language but I don't think that's a fair assessment.
> I don't see Erlang vs. Elixir as a zero-sum game and I think it's a pity
> that so many people who are contributing a lot of otherwise good,
> insightful commentary seem to feel that's the situation. I really think
> there's room for both to grow and thrive.  And thank goodness people are
> starting to recognize the importance of having a good language/RT to
> building scalable systems.
> --
> Onorio
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