Fragment not locked - again
Wojtek Surowka
Wed Sep 29 13:37:43 CEST 2021
Thank you for suggestion, I will investigate mnesia_eleveldb.
How about backups? If I have a table using an alternative backend, like LevelDB, can I still use regular mnesia:backup and mnesia:install_fallback functions to handle backups?
From: Dan Gudmundsson <dangud@REDACTED>
Sent: 20 September 2021 12:25
To: Wojtek Surowka <wojteksurowka@REDACTED>
Cc: Erlang Questions <erlang-questions@REDACTED>
Subject: Re: Fragment not locked - again
I only looked briefly the last time you pointed it out, and it does look strange,
though I have not had time to dig deeper into it.
If you use fragmented tables to be able store larger tables on disk_only,
maybe you should look at or some
other backend. I have not used it myself but there are people on this list using it.
On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 5:09 PM Wojtek Surowka <wojteksurowka@REDACTED <mailto:wojteksurowka@REDACTED> > wrote:
I have sent the same question some time ago but could not get any solution.
Maybe this time I will be luckier, especially that I made new observations:
I have a fragmented table in Mnesia of type disc_only_copies. There is a 2GB
size limit for tables of that type, and this table grows continuously with
new data. Because of that I have the code which periodically (weekly) checks
sizes of fragments and adds new fragments (usually just one) if necessary.
The call I use to add a new fragment is:
mnesia:change_table_frag(name, {add_frag, [node()]}).
And it works, till it does not. Right now my table is in a state when any
call to add a new fragment returns
{aborted,{"add_frag: Fragment not locked",12}}
All earlier change_table_frag calls were successful, but it looks like at
certain moment something bad happened and since then adding a new fragment
to the table is not possible. Every time it returns the error message. Is it
a bug in Mnesia? Is there anything I could do to continue adding new
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