Is this a bad certificate? (Having nine-bit long key usage extension)

Ingela Andin ingela.andin@REDACTED
Tue Sep 21 17:37:13 CEST 2021

Hi Jesse!

I created
that hopefully will solve the problem that you are having by avoiding to
re-encode a receive cert.
Please try that instead of my original patch, that case of comparison I
think should actually work.

Regards Ingela Erlang/OTP team - Ericsson AB

Den tis 21 sep. 2021 kl 12:59 skrev Ingela Andin <ingela@REDACTED>:

> Hi Bram!
> Interesting observation!  I will keep digging. I actually believe my first
> patch solution will not fix the problem as although this code was changed
> in the version at hand, I checked further and the change should be
> backwards compatible.
> Regards Ingela
> On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 10:26 AM Bram Verburg <bram.verburg@REDACTED>
> wrote:
>> Hi Ingela,
>> I was looking into this too, and I noticed that this particular leaf
>> certificate, once decoded as an OTPCertificate record, does not encode back
>> to the same DER value (which is likely due to the unusual representation of
>> the KeyUsage extension in the original file):
>> 1> {ok, PEM} =
>> file:read_file("cert.pem").
>> {ok,<<"-----BEGIN
>> 2> DER = element(2, hd(public_key:pem_decode(PEM))).
>> <<48,130,4,124,48,130,2,228,160,3,2,1,2,2,20,117,197,160,
>>   249,188,104,110,94,206,89,35,163,108,220,...>>
>> 3> DER = public_key:pkix_encode('OTPCertificate',
>> public_key:pkix_decode_cert(DER, otp), otp).
>> ** exception error: no match of right hand side value
>> <<48,130,4,123,48,130,2,227,160,3,2,1,2,2,20,117,197,160,
>> 249,188,104,110,94,206,89,35,163,108,220,...>>
>> (That would presumably mean the original DER representation is not really
>> proper DER, as I believe ASN.1's DER encoding is supposed to always produce
>> the same (canonical) byte sequence, in order to allow for reliable
>> signature verification...)
>> I haven't quite pinned it down, but this commit
>> that
>> was included in 24.0.4 seems to sometimes reconstruct a DER representation
>> from an OTPCertificate record, and if that DER value is passed to
>> public_key:pkix_verify/2 instead of the original DER representation, the
>> signature won't match and ssl will throw the reported error.
>> Hope that might help,
>> Bram
>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>> On Tuesday, September 21st, 2021 at 10:48 AM, Ingela Andin <
>> ingela.andin@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Hello again!
>> I thought of a possible cause  of your strange problem. If the ROOT-cert
>> is sent as part of the chain (optional in the protocol).  We must check
>> that it is a certificate that we trust, part of our "trust store". This was
>> done by  a match of the DER-version of the cert and we should match the
>> decode  structure instead.
>> In such cases the following patch ought to solve your problem.  Can you
>> please test it? It is based on the latest maint!
>> diff --git a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_certificate.erl
>> b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_certificate.erl
>> index cbeb4e4521..1a277964b6 100644
>> --- a/lib/ssl/src/ssl_certificate.erl
>> +++ b/lib/ssl/src/ssl_certificate.erl
>> @@ -596,13 +596,13 @@ path_candidate(Cert, ChainCandidateCAs,
>> CertDbHandle) ->
>>              [Root | lists:reverse(Chain)]
>>      end.
>> -handle_partial_chain([#cert{der=DERIssuerCert, otp=OtpIssuerCert}=Cert|
>> Rest] = Path, PartialChainHandler,
>> +handle_partial_chain([#cert{otp=OtpIssuerCert}=Cert| Rest] = Path,
>> PartialChainHandler,
>>                       CertDbHandle, CertDbRef) ->
>>      case public_key:pkix_is_self_signed(OtpIssuerCert) of
>>          true -> %% IssuerCert = ROOT (That is ROOT was included in chain)
>>              {ok, {SerialNr, IssuerId}} =
>> public_key:pkix_issuer_id(OtpIssuerCert, self),
>>              case ssl_manager:lookup_trusted_cert(CertDbHandle,
>> CertDbRef, SerialNr, IssuerId) of
>> -                {ok, #cert{der=DERIssuerCert}} -> %% Match sent ROOT to
>> trusted ROOT
>> +                {ok, #cert{otp = OtpIssuerCert}} -> %% Match sent ROOT
>> to trusted ROOT
>>                      maybe_shorten_path(Path, PartialChainHandler, {Cert,
>> Rest});
>>                  {ok, _} -> %% Did not match trusted ROOT
>>                      maybe_shorten_path(Path, PartialChainHandler,
>> {invalid_issuer, Path});
>> Regards Ingela Erlang/OTP team- Ericsson AB
>> Den fre 17 sep. 2021 kl 18:24 skrev Jesse Bickel - NOAA Affiliate <
>> jesse.bickel@REDACTED>:
>>> Good morning,
>>> This is part question and part potential bug report. I don't have a
>>> github
>>> account associated with my workplace at the moment which is why I ask
>>> here.
>>> When we tested an upgrade to rabbitmq, the tls v1.2 server rejected
>>> client
>>> certificates with the following message: "In state certify at
>>> ssl_handshake.erl:1975 generated SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Bad Certificate."
>>> The
>>> issue happens with otp versions 24.0.4 and later. The earlier version
>>> 24.0.3
>>> interoperates with the certificates successfully. After we took a closer
>>> look,
>>> the issue has something to do with the key usage extension. If we
>>> generate a
>>> similar certificate in all other respects but remove the key usage
>>> extension
>>> otp does not reject the certificate. The issue also occurs without mutual
>>> authentication as a CLIENT ALERT when an erlang/otp client validates the
>>> same
>>> kind of server certificate.
>>> The certificates that otp 24.0.4+ rejects were generated by gnutls
>>> certtool,
>>> but more specifically the difference in the certificate itself is the
>>> length of
>>> the bit string in the key usage extension. Both openssl and gnutls
>>> certtool in
>>> their high-level text forms of the working and not working certificates
>>> show
>>> the key usage as having the same two values of digital signature and key
>>> encipherment. The difference underneath is that the one generated by
>>> gnutls
>>> certtool version 3.6.9 (rejected by otp) is nine bits, value 101000000,
>>> whereas
>>> the one generated by openssl 1.1.1f (accepted by otp) is three bits,
>>> value 101.
>>> Both versions appear to be valid asn.1, several tools appear to see both
>>> versions as valid certificates, and I cannot easily tell from the
>>> relevant ietf
>>> and itu documents that either is invalid.
>>> Below are sample certificate authority and leaf certificates that can
>>> reproduce
>>> the issue in two local erlang/otp sessions in a typical mode of
>>> server-only
>>> authentication with tls v1.2 during the handshake.
>>> Is this a bug introduced in otp 24.0.4 or is this an invalid certificate?
>>> Jesse Bickel
>>> --
>>> Contractor, ERT, Inc.
>>> Federal Affiliation: NWC/OWP/NOAA/DOC
>>> Sample certificate authority x.509 certificate:
>>> MIIEMzCCApugAwIBAgIUcgjKevzc6MaGOyaSC0VdidlvgO4wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL
>>> 6H8RzZJB/yoltld/9RjGeQGZ3EfeLb1dm9Gag2AwTBRzrnYIcQz215ABLfcdMYyo
>>> B3UE4rU+E3N9XMmGAEWbQh3lAprYeUnKbt7yjKOuUrQvfNtHhvNOpDQjg2VRbYnx
>>> TQS6Go/ycRSywoBKSlr3G/sZ0pKt+8BumfMfIZZtPQw9j46+VibBW9UyQZJ7iBUH
>>> q1AXT8XiFtAzVq33dwb+B5gd1QVrIu1vIzyGQt5dliEHHfJcdksmZBLru1GR6uzF
>>> bndg3Y9MyYj5YQ+6M9wtcLKgJwHHfLgb30FPmY5a945tSHL9cv38sk11o7zgI6Vn
>>> d+KhHxFRs8g0dBq8/ZKXF4UA7RxihXAB/SwVW4XVgpMGCMh/hrDzqKS/oexuOt8n
>>> NDumTd2NYsUx06+uV/lc405DGmnF0cvCsV+3wulBs09lUsQlwFvFhU3z2pDSWWPs
>>> E9aXJDq5ohhY+lquWcMD8+yNAQbsE2Sw3KQppelEvN1aLgDwW8e7LR5Dw7SLtwZB
>>> tFtWx2eJoqjuTLoxhjnWaR3A50YUgjNOiV5UIV5E8A1f1wsJcdM2VobQgdNyfvnm
>>> vDdHKaGP9+TfmrdGimVwVLmQCtXzp62pyIkJbc8lOOGifCNzDmRgl1ehsEYn4T/M
>>> NWxan3mRGLBjGn90ojxAMBXASB6BrQNa4Kvrs0bzyUToBPHMeBWsYA6SlyfLMN9L
>>> svajh99xEYN63+AVNpZMDIBe4Dhmw8dTU8z1beDJqdODG8+Krmp58KwTAZQYGp6o
>>> iyA5W1PmEms3Our9pBoJZ6guE8qMMxo6th+CwXsOQQLcmUIienLfFv6x1hZidN6G
>>> bTmD2GOK25J/2zXlEXQuT4HNZfDuIh2IBxlo607ct72Dq9OGENLL6ujGhzU2XL6J
>>> /TM/05Gfa+buDfysohjCSbtAIqvolr8=
>>> -----END CERTIFICATE-----
>>> Sample leaf certificate signed by above certificate authority:
>>> Ewlsb2NhbGhvc3QxFjAUBgNVBAoTDUZha2UgRG9tYWluIDIwggGiMA0GCSqGSIb3
>>> WNPEpgtBV6H7Ihk43Jn19EArCujglZfI5sdV9il/8uJFB9DplICnPvet6HvspxLa
>>> 4hLFm+dI1Av6MglB6vaJInEXK6zVM39NMJVAy7LcryJYAhVMIuC4wTUOHRqAgx8o
>>> w6dtb7fKSV3OTN3UmGJRPnzGULR3wc8yjGCXnPgu0D497w2FoZ4IWU2H/T+djQDx
>>> i8giZ7KV+11XHfm3ZEsukutJIwsehP3XmCrvttZz8oQuNzJvA05BYRmgOkc7rJeW
>>> cNkNObTM+x06WVoOKqjDUMb0x+clZwHSclTbEACzxT+iv3hh7+zQ9/0Z7BgYKxfN
>>> QQgtDxIvguFI5O/BKzWAeBY24InHyBphprXmAL+q79hqjpt6Diaz8GEY7qHJcvss
>>> fHfAPrLNL2oChRjhS5h7twylgoxlAL06CITEwQtRSbdoP/g+XUdv/CFp7fqE9rKz
>>> XNrtgM6KSgK7N7riYojCheEo/76Jk+PHPljzCrv9BoX6K44liU1Nf2IXIAG2+llY
>>> aDmMeZPFI3pZ92oFCmKmzMvCaf/idOqNFihS/hBNXfbczuROnAuw/zip1QItnCJt
>>> YTk1Og7BMjF3LNQYZRwz3KuG/fyDJx7DMrKL+EOsOmebFnIqiM0Em0TGIzdY2aTG
>>> 3hDbMUQz82R/8kO5d9keIGiL4pXp1gGDf8TdK7cEDblcwt1cyNX6jm6F1+qGWgCw
>>> EbnNn2MjpdBD0BDNluQaysQb6KDomv2HHhwDtB6RDM26GN3uUyZfPDzvzH8TmNbH
>>> UIymPlYs9XHlvEYJeeu9shd9hLegAidWHBs31eUKZaURJrsHd110iGhVpGEjvdvS
>>> +YxkNsVwgmiPjJpjxsHOABdwpFBO54F8ayEiYDiLhboXEHJj0ju57TMstzcOmQBL
>>> -----END CERTIFICATE-----
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