New EEP draft: Pinning operator ^ in patterns

Nicolas Martyanoff khaelin@REDACTED
Tue Jan 19 18:54:14 CET 2021

On 2021-01-19 18:15, Raimo Niskanen wrote:
> And, as others have pointed out.  We need to know the direction; is this
> where are we heading towards?  I think that this change in itself just may
> be worth its own weight, but possible future changes are more interesting.

In the spirit of elevating the debate beyond the discussion around the pinning
proposition, and to echo the question which was asked earlier about "the
intent and larger picture of this change", I would really like to who are "we"
in your message, and where are this "future changes" coming from.

There has been mention of the WhatsApp team, but unless I am mistaken, neither
Richard nor you work for WhatsApp (and as far as I know, Facebook/WhatsApp do
not have any special authority on the evolution of Erlang). I do not know who
at Ericsson is in charge of the language itself, but it does not seem they are
part of this discussion.

Apparently some people have plans to change the language in significant ways
(there has been talks about scoping rules!). Of course everyone is free to
submit propositions to Ericsson, even when these propositions are impopular,
but I am not sure the discussion is productive without the active involvement
of the people in charge.

Nicolas Martyanoff

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