Long string to short ID

Matthew Evans mattevans123@REDACTED
Sat Aug 14 01:46:57 CEST 2021

How about:

1> lists:flatten([integer_to_list(V,16)||<<V>> <= crypto:hash(md5, "really long book title that goes on and on forever")]).


2>  binary_to_list(base64:encode(crypto:hash(md5, "really long book title that goes on and on forever"))).
From: erlang-questions <erlang-questions-bounces@REDACTED> on behalf of Lloyd R. Prentice <lloyd@REDACTED>
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2021 3:44 PM
To: erlang-questions <erlang-questions@REDACTED>
Subject: Long string to short ID


What might be a nifty way to turn a long book title with spaces into a short human-readable ID?



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