dbg function names

Trevor Brown admin@REDACTED
Sun Aug 8 00:12:31 CEST 2021

Hi, I've used the dbg module a fair bit over the years, and I am curious
about the names of the functions. Looking at the list of functions, I
came up with what I think each function name means:

The function names are all acronyms (except for the ones that clearly
aren't like `get_tracer/0` and `stop/0`) and stand for the following:

* `c` stands for *c*lear
* `cn` stands for *c*lear *n*ode
* `ctp` stands for *c*lear *t*race *p*attern
* `ctpe` stands for *c*lear *t*race *p*attern *e*vent
* `ctpg` stands for *c*lear *t*race *p*attern *g*lobal
* `ctpl` stands for *c*lear *t*race *p*attern *l*ocal
* `dtp` stands for *d*elete *t*race *p*attern (not sure if it's delete,
drop, discard, etc...)
* `wtp` stands for *w*rite *t*race *p*attern
* `rtp` stands for *r*ead *t*race *p*attern
* `n` stands for *n*ode
* `i` stands for *i*nformation
* `p` stands for *p*rocess
* `tp` stands for *t*race *p*attern (implicitly global)
* `tpl` stands for *t*race *p*attern *l*ocal
* `h` stands for *h*elp
* `ln` stands for *l*ist *n*odes
* `ltp` stands for *l*ist *t*race *p*atterns

Can anyone confirm if I am correct here? And if so, reference any docs
explaining this? I personally find that understanding the acronyms makes
the functions easier to remember, so it's a shame the official docs
don't explain this if I am correct.

Also, I've always assumed the module name stood for debug, but is that
true? I haven't found any docs on that either.



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