Divergence in globally registered names

saket chaudhary saketcmf@REDACTED
Sun Oct 11 22:22:48 CEST 2020

We hit upon an issue in production where two erlang nodes in the same
cluster agreed on the set of neighbour nodes (nodes() call) but diverged on
the globally registered names (global:registered_name()). We're running OTP
23.0.2, but have hit these issues infrequently in the past with OTP17 as

Calling global:sync() or even net_adm:ping/1 for the remote node that had
the globally registered process didn't help. We verified global
registration of new names was being propagated across all the nodes.
However, it didn't help fix the old names that had diverged. Ultimately, we
had to manually re-register the name using a remote shell.

Does anyone know if this is expected? I thought the erlang nodes would
gossip their way through to resolve any inconsistencies.
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