Find nearest geographic coordinates

Mon Nov 30 11:04:47 CET 2020

> >> I've a list of geographic coordinates:
> >>
> >> L = [ {{<<"longitude">>,6.1457}, {<<"latitude">>,46.2022}},
> >>       {{<<"longitude">>,2.3387}, {<<"latitude">>,48.8582}},
> >>       ... ]

Could you briefly hint at why L does not look somewhat more like
Ls = [{geoloc, 6.1457, 46.2022},
      {geoloc, 2.3387, 48.8582},
Lc = [{geocart, X, Y, Z}, ...].

%% Perhaps with something like:
-record(geoloc, {longitude :: float(),
                 latitude :: float()}).

And along this:

> > The obvious question is SCALE:

1> erts_debug:size({{<<"ok">>, 3.1}, {<<"error">>, 2.1}}).
2> erts_debug:size({{ok, 3.1}, {error, 2.1}}).
3> erts_debug:size({ok, 3.1, 2.1}).
1> erts_debug:size({3.1, 2.1}).
I do not know what these numbers exactly mean, but:
everything counts in large amounts ...

Of course, data structure depends on use case.

As someone on this list usually puts it:

Enlightenment, please! :-)



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