Failed to create dirty cpu scheduler on virtual server

Alemuell alemuell@REDACTED
Fri Mar 6 15:58:35 CET 2020

Hi there!

My issue: the requirement for installing some software I need is to have
rabbitmq running which depends on erlang. So my first step is to install
erlang. I'm working on a virtual server (!) which has Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
64bit running. I added the file
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/bintray.erlang.list with the following line:
"deb bionic erlang". Then I
use apt to install erlang, which runs smoothly.

When I now try to start erlang on the command line I directly get:
"Failed to create dirty cpu scheduler thread 9, error = 11" (I can
provide erlang crash report if needed)

Searching for solutions for this issue already brought me to a
It seems to me, that I'm having exactly the same issue, but the solution
presented there is not working for me. Also I believe, that the issue is
related to erlang (since I don't even get to the point of installing
rabbitmq), thats why I wanted to post it on this erlang-list. The main
idea that the discussion in that rabbitmq-thread brings up, is, that the
issue is related to working on a virtual server: it seems that erlang is
not aware of the fact, that it can only use a limited amount of

Does any one have an idea of how to fix that? I really don't understand
a thing about erlang nor rabbitmq. I just need them to work for another
software I want to use. Digging into docs of erlang is a bit
overwhelming to me and I don't really have an idea, where exactly I
would need to start looking. I have the feeling, that I would just need
to add some configuration file or something similar, so that erlang is
told, how many threads it should open (not calculating it by itself).

I would really much appreciate any help!



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