HiPE to be removed in OTP 24?
Sun Jun 21 15:16:58 CEST 2020
When it comes to optimization, I would rather see something like this:
https://github.com/lumen/lumen - statically compiled, portable single
binary with all optimizations already executed AOT. If a compiler includes
typecheck/dyalizing in compile time, that's extra bonus. Then we would
approach Haskell/Go type of deployments (most modern languages adopt this
approach). TBH, I never used hot-code swapping anyway, so for me it is
rally a small price to pay considering all the benefits this brings.
On Sun, Jun 21, 2020, 14:37 Grzegorz Junka <list1@REDACTED> wrote:
> On 21/06/2020 10:16, Mikael Pettersson wrote:
> > On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 10:05 PM Grzegorz Junka <list1@REDACTED>
> wrote:
> >> OK, there is a bunch of limitations listed in
> http://erlang.org/doc/man/HiPE_app.html#feature-limitations
> >>
> >> Erlang tracing is one of them. Are those limitations inherent to the
> HiPE compiler, i.e. they can't be fixed,
> >> or they are simply there because they haven't been implemented? Or in
> other words, is AOT compilation
> >> of Erlang code into native code doomed and JIT is the only solution to
> speed it up?
> > AOT compilation of Erlang is not inherently difficult. The problems
> > faced by HiPE are due to a few
> > unfortunate facts:
> >
> > ...
> >
> > A way to resurrect HiPE could be to:
> >
> > A. Retarget the compiler to consume a higher-level more stable
> > intermediate representation from the
> > BEAM compiler, perhaps Core Erlang but even that is a moving target.
> > B. Drop all remnants of being able to native-compile individual MFAs,
> > just handle whole modules.
> > (That restriction is already in place, but the internals still
> > operate on individual MFAs.)
> > C. Fix the bugs, streamline the VM interfaces between BEAM and HiPE.
> >
> > Realistically this would require 6 person-months or more.
> Thanks Mikael for the explanation. I understand the facts but still
> don't understand why it's worth investing in JIT instead of developing
> the features you listed that would be needed to resurrect HiPE.
> For example, you mentioned HiPE was abandoned 10 years ago, but that's
> roughly also the time when the core team started working on the first
> implementations of JIT. Did you think at that time that JIT would be
> less effort than improving HiPE, or maybe there was no personal interest
> in HiPE among the core team?
> To me, as a software developer, it just seems strange to abandon HiPE
> and allow the code to deteriorate after it has been proven to work, and
> instead put so much effort into JIT that has never worked and never been
> proven to work as well as HiPE.
> Maybe there are some politics involved between the core team and the
> team that worked on HiPE that you don't want to mention, which is fine,
> or maybe there were some mistakes made in the past that no one wants to
> admit to, which is again understandable. But none of the technical
> reasons I've read so far favor JIT over HiPE, so I hope you don't mind
> me drilling this subject.
> One technical reason mentioned, that wasn't related to the abandonment
> of the code, was that JIT would benefit both, Elixir and Erlang. But
> surely that must be also true if HiPE targets the intermediate
> representation from the BEAM compiler?
> Grzegorz
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