Increase log size per line (Logger)

Frank Muller frank.muller.erl@REDACTED
Thu Jun 4 12:55:17 CEST 2020

Hi guys,

We are receiving this nested JSON from an external service:
#{<<"api_version">> => <<"2018-11-08">>,<<"created">> =>
1591267056,<<"data">> => #{<<"object">> => #{<<"receipt_email">> =>
null,<<"destination">> => null,<<"stat"...>> => null,<<"orde"...>> =>
null,<<"rece"...>> => <<"http"...>>,<<"tran"...>> => null,...}},<<"id">> =>
<<"evt_1GqGS4KZLZnYPC2KUt26Na">>,<<"livemode">> => false,<<"object">> =>
<<"event">>,<<"pending_webh"...>> => 1,<<"request">> => #{<<...>> =>

As you can see, Logger is truncating some parts of it and replacing them
with …

This is our logger config:

               #{config =>
                     #{burst_limit_enable => true,burst_limit_max_count =>
                       burst_limit_window_time => 500,
                       file => "/var/log/gde/error.log",max_no_bytes =>
                       max_no_files => 50},
                 formatter =>
                         #{chars_limit => 512,depth => 20,max_size => 8192,
                           single_line => true}},
                 level => error}},
               #{config =>
                     #{burst_limit_enable => true,burst_limit_max_count =>
                       burst_limit_window_time => 500,
                       file => "/var/log/gde/debug.log",max_no_bytes =>
                       max_no_files => 50},
                 formatter =>
                         #{chars_limit => 512,depth => 20,max_size => 8192,
                           single_line => true}},
                 level => debug}}]}]},

How can I change the debug.log’s logger settings to see more stuffs in my
logs (i.e less truncated)?

OTP on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

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