stop process migration

Karl Velicka karolis.velicka@REDACTED
Fri Feb 21 20:58:39 CET 2020


(I'm reading your question as "how to pin an Erlang process to a CPU _core_)

There is an option to erlang:spawn_opt - {scheduler, SchedNum} to pin a
process to a specific scheduler in the VM. However, this option is
undocumented so it's probably exposed on "caveat emptor" basis. We get the
possible scheduler numbers by doing lists:seq(1,
erlang:system_info(schedulers_online)) and we've been using the flag in OTP
versions 20-22.

The scheduler itself is just a thread from the perspective of the OS so I
assume it shouldn't be difficult to pin to a core.

All the best,

On Thu, 20 Feb 2020 at 17:05, Satish Patel <satish.txt@REDACTED> wrote:

> Folks,
> Can i tell erlang to not load-balance process or migrate process to
> different CPU?
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