call right after failing cast

Nato nato@REDACTED
Wed Apr 29 22:52:51 CEST 2020

Hi list,

I have some sequential code that casts to a
gen_server, whereby this cast fails, say 
50% of the time, by design. On the following
line of code, I make a call to the same
gen_server, and I'm getting errors (sorry,
the exact error isn't available as I'm using
elli webserver without the logging middleware).

When I put a `timer:sleep(300)` between the 
case and call, I never get errors. This was
not what I want to do, but I pointed to 
something that I'm confused about.

If a registered gen_server (really, nothing
fancy going on with it, and its init is
very straightforward) falls over, how does one deal
with waiting for it to come back online?

I thought messages would sit in /some/ 
mailbox somewhere, not just error out.


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