[erlang-questions] Recommendations re beam files

Eric Pailleau eric.pailleau@REDACTED
Sat Mar 16 12:14:54 CET 2019

Move them to a project for all common things, and add a dependancy to it in all your projects. 
This way you can specify which version you need. 

Envoyé depuis mon mobile 

---- Donald Steven a écrit ----

>To this point (I'm new at this) I've been keeping beam files for the 
>modules I need in the same directory as the main module.  This makes 
>sense for those modules that are closely allied to the main module and 
>unlikely to be used or modified for other programs. However, I have a 
>core set of modules that are used by all my programs.  I'd like to keep 
>these together and in *one* place so that they're easier to maintain.  
>Also, I don't want to have multiple copies floating around.
>How do I specify to the compiler where to find them?  (I use Linux.)
>erlang-questions mailing list
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