[erlang-questions] Odd behaviour of code:priv_dir/1

Hugo Mills hugo@REDACTED
Wed Feb 20 11:59:32 CET 2019

   Ping? Anyone got any ideas at all how to go about diagnosing this?


On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 06:47:56PM +0000, Hugo Mills wrote:
>    I've been trying to set up a basic CI system for a few projects.
> The problem is, I'm consistently getting test failures when running
> tests through the CI, where those tests pass perfectly well on a
> manual run.
>    The test failure is:
> === Ended at 2019-02-17 15:36:20
> === Location: [{filename,join,446},
>               {stdlib_SUITE,run_suite,37},
>               {test_server,ts_tc,1545},
>               {test_server,run_test_case_eval1,1063},
>               {test_server,run_test_case_eval,995}]
> === Reason: no function clause matching 
>                  filename:join({error,bad_name},"stdlib") (filename.erl, line 446)
>   in function  stdlib_SUITE:run_suite/3 (test/stdlib_SUITE.erl, line 37)
>   in call from test_server:ts_tc/3 (test_server.erl, line 1545)
>   in call from test_server:run_test_case_eval1/6 (test_server.erl, line 1063)
>   in call from test_server:run_test_case_eval/9 (test_server.erl, line 995)
> which comes from this line of code in my CT text fixture:
>     BaseContext =
>         #{"$module_path"
> 	     => [filename:join(code:priv_dir(childe), "stdlib")],
>           "$data_path"
> 	     => [?config(data_dir, Conf)]},
>    I can run this on my main dev machines ("make ct" -- I'm using
> erlang.mk) quite happily, and it passes the test. I can run it
> manually on the CI worker machine and it passes the test. If I run it
> through a CI system, it fails with the above error.
>    There's clearly _something_ odd about the environment that the CI
> system is running in, but I'm damned if I can tell what it is. It's
> not specific to the CI system, either: I've seen this with Buildbot,
> yesterday, and now GoCD today.
>    Why would code:priv_dir/1 be failing in the CI when it's working in
> an interactive shell?
>    My dev machines are running 21.2.2 from Debian; the CI is running
> 21.2.5 from Erlang Solutions, but that's not the issue, because I can
> do a manual run on the CI box, and it works.
>    Thanks for any ideas,
>    Hugo.

Hugo Mills             | "It was half way to Rivendell when the drugs began
hugo@REDACTED carfax.org.uk | to take hold"
http://carfax.org.uk/  |                                      Hunter S Tolkien
PGP: E2AB1DE4          |                        Fear and Loathing in Barad Dûr
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