[erlang-questions] gen_statem - state_timeout sometimes reaching callback module as [info, {timeout, Ref, Name}

Peter Morgan peter.james.morgan@REDACTED
Wed Apr 10 14:41:06 CEST 2019

Hello -

We are _sometimes_ seeing cases where a state_timeout in a gen_statem results in the timeout reaching the callback module as info {timeout, Ref, Name} with OTP 21.2.

The crash looks like:

=ERROR REPORT==== 8-Apr-2019::23:37:19.035346 === <0.969.0> gen_statem:error_info/5:1895
** State machine {kafire_fetcher,<<“abc">>,<<“def">>,0} terminating
** Last event = {info,{timeout,#Ref<0.2399112782.889192450.118024>,fetch}}

We crash because we are not expecting info messages - interestingly the following messages are in the queue for the crashed process:

    message_queue_len: 279
    messages: [{timeout,#Ref<0.2399112782.903610369.70160>,fetch},

Followed by lots more cancel_timer messages (200ish!). Our gen_statem does use {state_timeout, 500, fetch} so we are expecting a “fetch” timeout to happen, and we use repeat_state_and_data to requeue the state timeout (and also transition to other states). Is it possible that timeouts in gen_statem can be delivered as an info message?


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