[erlang-questions] Erlang Exercise 19-3
Joe Armstrong
Wed Oct 31 11:10:44 CET 2018
I'd have two types of entries in the ets table
first a set of files
and a set of hashes
{{<Hash>, {<FileNumber>,<ByteOffset>}}
<Hash> is your 40 character Hash, <FileNumber> is 1,... (ie one of the
numbers in the table)
<ByteOffset> is the offset in the file that has this hash.
You compute this table in pass one iterating over all files in your collection
In pass 2 you compute the rolling hash and look at each value in the
ets table. Don't bother to store all the rolling hashes in a list. If
you get a hit try to extend the match to see how much more data
The sum of bytes hash is actually rather bad and will give a lot of
false hits (ie the hash agrees but the
text differs) If you want a better rolling hash algorithm use one of
the methods from this reference
On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 9:29 AM Richard O'Keefe <raoknz@REDACTED> wrote:
> The question means something like this.
> You are to construct and then use a table
> source : checksum -> set of filename
> by doing
> for each filename given
> open the file
> for each 40-character window of the contents of the file
> compute the checksum of the window
> add filename to source{checkum}
> close the file
> s := {}
> open the test data
> for each 40-character window of the contents of the testdata
> compute the checksum of the window
> let s' be source{checksum} with default {}
> s := s U s'
> close the test data
> report the set of possible source file names s
> Now the test is to accomplish, in Erlang, the same
> effect as that would, without necessarily doing it
> that way.
> This is actually a fairly simplistic version of an
> Information Retrieval task called Passage Retrieval.
> With a little more work, you can not only report
> that the test data may contain portions of various
> files, but *which* portions. With a bit more work
> than that, you can rank them, distinguishing files
> that contribute many passages from ones that contribute
> few. The neat thing here is that, done with care,
> you can handle very large document collections in
> Erlang without as much work as you might have to do in
> languages lacking a native-data-structures persistent store.
> When you look at this functionally, you see that this is
> basically a Map (over files) Reduce (the set unions) and
> that the index building could be done in a distributed
> way, again with relatively little effort. (The set
> unions I'm talking about are the "add ... to ..." ones.
> This is idempotent, so indexing the same document on two
> nodes is wasteful but not dangerous.)
> On Wed, 31 Oct 2018 at 18:55, カカキ <heturing@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Hello, everyone.
>> I'm a little confused with an Exercise, and I cannot understand the question.
>> Here is the question.
>> Write a program to detect plagiarisms in text. To do this, use a two-pass algorithm. In pass 1, break the text into 40-character blocks and compute a checksum for each 40-character block. Store the checksum and filename in an ETS table. In pass 2, compute the checksum of each 40-character block in the data and compare with the checksums in the ETS table.
>> Hint: You will need to compute a "rolling checksum" to do this. For example, if C1 = B1 + B2 + ... + B40 and C2 = B2 + B3+ ... + B41, then C2 can be quickly computed by obversing that C2 = C1 + B41 - B1.
>> What I've done is finding two files, say file1.txt and file2.txt. I want to check whether file2 plagiarizes file1. So I get first 40-characters of file1 and calculate the checksum of it. And then I move the block one character to the right and calculate the checksum. At last, I will get a list of checksum of file1, and I store them into an ETS table.
>> On pass two, I do the same thing with file2 and get a list of checksum [C1, C2, ..., Cn]. For each element, I check whether it exists in ETS table or not. If exists, it means that there is a block with the same content in file 1. So it is plagiarism. Finally, I count the number of these blocks and output it.
>> However, it seems that I haven't use the filename. So I am wondering that there is something wrong with my opinion.
>> Thanks.
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