[erlang-questions] Erlang checklists

Scott Ribe scott_ribe@REDACTED
Mon Oct 29 23:49:15 CET 2018

On Oct 29, 2018, at 4:36 PM, Dmytro Lytovchenko <dmytro.lytovchenko@REDACTED> wrote:
> Think about your future new user. Some empathy (i have empatic character, and i know this first hand you see).
> 	• What are your new user's first steps when he opened your library's web page?
> 	• Will he see a description? (many libraries have really bad descriptions) Some welcoming examples and a quick start?
> 	• What will he take as his first hello_your_library? And maybe some advanced examples too?
> 	• Where will he come to read the docs?
> 	• (bonus points) A community discussion board or something like that? Issues page on Github that is well maintained is a good first step.

- Follow your build instructions and verify that they actually work!

I hit this one just today, 2 errors in the build instructions that could have stumped a newbie. (Not an Erlang project, FYI.)

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