[erlang-questions] Seeing inet:start_timer badarg crash

Vince Foley vincefoley@REDACTED
Thu Oct 11 22:58:00 CEST 2018

Hello there, I'm seeing some crashes in my logs since updating to OTP 21
that I can't quite track down...

The exit value looks like this:

    {:erlang, :start_timer, [:inet, #PID<0.17713.363>, :inet], []},
    {:inet, :start_timer, 1, [file: 'inet.erl', line: 1763]},
    {:inet, :getaddr, 3, [file: 'inet.erl', line: 591]},
    {:inet_tcp_dist, :do_setup, 7, [file: 'inet_tcp_dist.erl', line: 289]}

It looks like something is going wrong in the distributed node connection
system. The result that I can see from this is that the nodes are no longer
able to connect to each other.

I am using a mechanism other than the standard `epmd` to discover the other
nodes, so I'm wondering if a detail changed that I have to adapt to. I'm
using `-epmd_module`. The mechanism I'm using is described in this article:


That might be related but I don't quite see how. Does anyone have any ideas
what might be happening here?

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