[erlang-questions] problems with rebar3 releases and on_load functions

Caragea Silviu silviu.cpp@REDACTED
Thu Oct 11 12:06:02 CEST 2018


I have a project that compiles ok using both rebar and rebar3, also works
ok with both If I start it from command line like:

erl -pa _build/default/lib/*/ebin -config _build/configs/app.config

But is not starting with a rebar3 release.

I'm getting a crash like:

Thu Oct 11 12:55:14 2018
Slogan: Kernel pid terminated (application_controller)
System version: Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8]
[async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true] [dtrace]
Compiled: Sat Aug 11 23:57:43 2018

The erlpool_globals code is :
https://github.com/silviucpp/erlpool/blob/master/src/erlpool_globals.erl .
Basically it's just a stub module that's compiled dynamically and replace
at runtime . I created this to avoid static code analyzer errors in

Also it's strange because if I change do_not_load() to return ok it's
working :)

Any hints ?

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