[erlang-questions] erlang-questions Digest, Vol 362, Issue 5

Steve Vinoski vinoski@REDACTED
Fri Mar 2 14:57:39 CET 2018

We just haven't seen enough interest yet in http/2 in Yaws to justify the
effort to add it.

(Not to mention Klacke was on a year-long round-the-world excursion last
year, so we were one committer down, but he's returned now, so Yaws dev is
back to full strength.)

And as Onorio suggested, contributions are welcomed.


On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 7:56 AM, Onorio Catenacci <Catenacci@REDACTED> wrote:

> Any idea if there are plans for adding http/2 support to was, and if so an
> approximate timeline? Thanks.
> 1.) I know you didn't ask about it but Cowboy does support http/2.
> 2.) Seeing there's an open ticket on the YAWS git hub that's been there
> since 2015 (https://github.com/klacke/yaws/issues/228) I'd guess they
> won't be supporting http/2 any time soon.   Maybe you want to comment on
> the ticket or, better yet, volunteer to help if you want the feature in
>> --
> Onorio Catenacci
> http://onor.io
> http://www.google.com/+OnorioCatenacci
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