[erlang-questions] New project: ZJ - A tiny JSON encoder/decoder

Wed Jun 27 06:29:34 CEST 2018

On 2018年6月26日火曜日 18時58分55秒 JST zxq9@REDACTED wrote:
> With tuple calls gone and mochijson2 finally going extinct I found
> myself in need of a strings-as-strings JSON encoder/decoder in pure
> Erlang (not NIF-based). I wrote one yesterday. It is a single module
> that exports two functions: encode/1 and decode/1. Erlang didn't really
> *need* another JSON encoder/decoder, of course, but this one works
> exactly the way I need -- if anyone else finds it useful you're welcome
> to it:
> https://gitlab.com/zxq9/zj

Quick update...

Two new functions have been added, binary_encode/1 and binary_decode/1.
The purpose of these new functions is to disambiguate between strings
and arrays. Most of the time this is not necessary (it seems the vast
majority of JSON data floating around is snippets of ASCII), but it is
easy to provide for so I added these this morning.

Since someone is already using this I'm calling it v1.0.0, as I intend
to support this 4-function interface for a while.


Just one more option in the ocean of JSON encode/decode libs!


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