[erlang-questions] Erlang for Websites and Android

austin aigbe eshikafe@REDACTED
Thu Jun 21 17:22:38 CEST 2018

Checkout Nitrogen:  http://nitrogenproject.com/ or Zotonic:


On Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 11:36 AM Daron Ryan <daron.ryan@REDACTED> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am just starting to learn Erlang. My plan is to develop a social media
> type application. I want it to have a dynamic web interface, which normally
> would be done with Javascript and later on an Android interface. I am not
> doing this for an organization. It is just something after hours. I have
> completed a part of the Erlang tutorial  I have been browsing the web
> trying to find ideas on how to do my project. It seems there is some very
> good support for it. I even found a tool that compiles Erlang in Javascript
> but I am hoping to get some guidance what's effective and so on to save
> myself from too much experimentation.
> Are there any good examples of web applications for beginners to you can
> point me to?
> Good examples of Android apps? The simpler the better.
> Is there a system where you can write one set of client code in purely
> Erlang and then deploy it automatically to both Android and web interfaces?
> If I am on the wrong track by all means let me know.
> Thank you,
> Daron.
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