[erlang-questions] Windows Patch Packages?

Jeroen Roovers jer@REDACTED
Wed Jan 3 09:32:23 CET 2018

On 2 January 2018 at 10:50, Ingela Andin <ingela.andin@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi!

> And you do not need to rebuild OTP to use it, it is enough to rebuild the
> ssl source files
> only. This should be easy enough as it is only Erlang code.

That should not be hard to integrate into the buildroot cross-compile
environment I use as long as I know what to actually do to "rebuild
the ssl source files". First I would need to fetch them from somewhere
(using some tool built for the host?) before building the target
distribution. It's not entirely clear yet how that would happen.

> We will consider if we should have some special handling for security
> patches in the future.


Kind regards,

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