[erlang-questions] packet and packet_size options in dlls socket

Ingela Andin ingela.andin@REDACTED
Tue Jan 2 13:16:03 CET 2018


Jesper is correct about the reason it is not supported for DTLS, that is
UDP is unreliable. Reason for setting the options to defult {packet, 0},
{packet_size, 0} (e.i. no packet) is that general code in ssl_connection
handles both TLS and DTLS data.

Regards Ingela Erlang/OTP Team - Ericsson AB

2017-12-30 18:52 GMT+01:00 Joe K <goodjoe2049@REDACTED>:

> Why is `packet` one of the default options here
> https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/master/lib/ssl/src/dtls_
> socket.erl#L142-L143
>   default_inet_values() ->
>     [{active, true}, {mode, list}, {packet, 0}, {packet_size, 0}].
> But is then prohibited here
> https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/master/lib/ssl/src/dtls_
> socket.erl#L173-L174
>   emulated_options([{packet, _} = Opt | _], _, _) ->
>     throw({error, {options, {not_supported, Opt}}});
> Same for `packet_size` option.
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