[erlang-questions] otp 21.2

Jesper Louis Andersen jesper.louis.andersen@REDACTED
Sat Dec 22 21:19:58 CET 2018

On Sat, Dec 22, 2018 at 12:16 AM Sam Overdorf <soverdor@REDACTED> wrote:

> It is hardly random source. It is only stuff supported by me because
> it is my application supported by me.
I have some pretty nasty war stories where people couldn't build software
on their development machine, whereas the CI system and other users happily
built the software. The culprit turned out to be .erlangrc. It is of course
easy when you control the environment, but many hours have been wasted on
this, trust me.

Regard this is a deliberate design trade-off in the language. My hunch is
it saves around 10 people whenever it inconveniences 1.
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