[erlang-questions] Is the monitor/2 function is much efficient in erlang 21?

18年梦醒 getonga2018@REDACTED
Tue Dec 11 10:25:12 CET 2018

I recently test the sbroker in erlang 21, but the skip_down_match test is
always failed, I check out the code and make a prototype of the code:


start() ->
    Pid = spawn(fun() -> t() end),
    register(t_name, Pid),
    spawn(fun() -> t1() end),

t1() ->
    {_, _MRef} = spawn_monitor(fun() ->
                                       Pid = whereis(t_name),
                                       Pid ! {pid, self()},
t() ->
        {pid, Pid} ->
            Ref = monitor(process, Pid),
            case demonitor(Ref, [flush, info]) of
                true ->
                    io:format("result is true");
                false ->
                    io:format("result is false")

I run it like this:
$ /usr/local/otp_src_21.1.4/bin/erlc a.erl
$ /usr/local/otp_src_21.1.4/bin/erl -s a start -s init stop -noinput
result is true
$ rm a.beam
$ /usr/local/otp_src_20.3.8.15/bin/erlc a.erl
$ /usr/local/otp_src_20.3.8.15/bin/erl -s a start -s init stop -noinput
result is false
The same code, in erlang 21, the output is `result is true`, but in erlang
20, the output is `result is false`, that is why the test fail.

I just wonder why the same code but different version, why the result is
Is the behaviour changed with the monitor/2 function?
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