[erlang-questions] PropER generator for list of records with a sequence number

Fred Hebert mononcqc@REDACTED
Tue Dec 11 05:49:19 CET 2018

On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 4:29 PM Jesper Louis Andersen <
jesper.louis.andersen@REDACTED> wrote:

> One important point about PropER testing is that you must try to shift as
> much choice to be controlled by the model. This often requires an API where
> one can inject parameters from the outside to control the setup of certain
> states. You can always have a sane default which initializes if not
> overriden, and this is what I've often done. Important examples are that
> randomness and time must be controlled from the outside in some way.
> Otherwise, the system tend to become impossible to test. And it also hides
> important details to the user of the API to boot.

One of the tips I recommend on propertesting.com is to use shim modules. If
the API is not  amenable to good control, the generator of the model at
least has to be.

So you might have a single call to "add_item(Id, Name, ...)" but various
reactions according to whether the item exists or not. The shim module will
act as a wrapper where you can instead expose calls like
"add_existing_item(...)", "add_unknown_item(...)", or
"add_malformed_item(...)". The generator, preconditions, next_state, and
postconditions callback can then build their expectations based on the type
of operation even though the underlying system handles calls by itself. It
also makes it easier to make calls synchronous or asynchronous as long as
the underlying system exposes them. It also helps to do things like change
a successful return value that you want to store in the state from {ok,
Pid} to just Pid, and then pass it back to the next generated call such
that it won't clash with the opaque placeholders the framework uses.

this does require the system under test to have at least some level of
control given to build this higher-level test-only abstraction, but it
helps make things simpler.

The one case I can think of where you may want to adapt your system is when
it comes to timeout handling. Ensuring some calls timeout while succeeding
or failing is rather difficult and may not always work with a shim,
especially in async interfaces. For those, having a way to configure or
override timers might be necessary.

But I would also like to violently agree with the notion that the model has
to drive the test, which implies that you can, without looking at the
system (aside from opaque types like generated IDs that you store in
placeholders), create a full predictable execution with useful invariants
to check. This can quickly become tricky when you have some
non-deterministic results (N/M requests might be dropped), so you have to
be careful.
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