[erlang-questions] error with xref and on_load functions

Hans Bolinder hans.bolinder@REDACTED
Tue Apr 18 13:07:02 CEST 2017


I don't think the bug has been reported before. Thanks! I'll write a ticket.

Best regards,

Hans Bolinder, Erlang/OTP team, Ericsson

Från: erlang-questions-bounces@REDACTED <erlang-questions-bounces@REDACTED> för Felipe Ripoll Gisbert <ferigis@REDACTED>
Skickat: den 11 april 2017 21:48:12
Till: erlang-questions@REDACTED
Ämne: [erlang-questions] error with xref and on_load functions

Hi all,
I have a problem running xref on modules with `on_load` functions, for example, giving this module:


init() ->

if we run xref:

1> c(xreftest, [debug_info]).
2> xref:d(".").

we get an `unused` warning for init/0 but it is actually used on load.

Is this a known issue?


Felipe Ripoll Gisbert
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