[erlang-questions] Blockchain and Erlang

Elias Rohrer erlml@REDACTED
Sun Sep 25 22:02:06 CEST 2016

Hello Martin,

On 25 Sep 2016, at 21:38, Martin Hedberg wrote:

> Hi everyone
> This is more of a theoretical question then a strictly practical one. 
> However there is no more practical then a good theory ...right?
> Anyway  I wonder if the blockchain method of keeping track of every 
> node could be applied to a sort of Erlang-blockchain combination? If 
> every Erlang node would be a blockchain-like supervisor would that 
> make things unnecessary complicated or is there some potential 
> stability to gain?
I'm not quite sure what you refer to when you say 'blockchain method of 
keeping track of every node'. Normally a blockchain (as in Bitcoin's 
architecture) is a Merkle hash tree where the data of a node is hashed 
together with the hashes of its children asf. until eventually the root 
of the hash tree is reached. This enables cryptographically secure 
verification of content and ordering of the data. I do not see how 
supervision trees would benefit from such a data structure. However, I 
may misunderstand what your idea is about. Please elaborate further!

Kind Regards!


> Just a thought from me
> Best regards
> Martin

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