[erlang-questions] Inets socket_type, what's ip_comm and how order IPvX sockets?
Ingela Andin
Tue Sep 20 09:04:35 CEST 2016
2016-09-19 19:14 GMT+02:00 Ameretat Reith <ameretat.reith@REDACTED>:
> I'm using tsung and it open a HTTP server to give me good things by inets
> [1] But it open just IPv6 sockets and TCP connections over IPv4
> connections
> will fail. I looked into inets to find how it finds to open IPv4 or IPv6
> sockets and saw socket_type which defaults to ip_comm. [2] What is this?
This is a legacy name. It does not imply ipv4 or ipv6 it implies not
HTTP as opposed to HTTPS.
There is an
*ipfamily option that you can set to get inet or inet6. *
Regards Ingela Erlang/OTP team - Ericsson AB
Is this
> mean IPv4 or IPv6 if system support? Can I provide inets more information
> to
> listen to both IPv4 and IPv6?
> I think for listenning on both IPv4 and IPv6 using same port number, one
> should
> open two sockets and set REUSE_PORT option. Can inets understand this by
> looking to socket_type or something? Can I (in inets:start call) tell I
> wan't
> IPv4 sockets? Or tell inets lib totally forget about IPv6 and open IPv4
> sockets
> always?
> 1: https://github.com/processone/tsung/blob/18a318884282a17f419850169aefec
> 9bdd5fc2ac/src/tsung_controller/ts_controller_sup.erl#L118
> 2: https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/3b7a6ffddc819bf305353a593904ce
> a9e932e7dc/lib/inets/include/httpd.hrl#L31
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