[erlang-questions] Inets socket_type, what's ip_comm and how order IPvX sockets?

Kenneth Lakin kennethlakin@REDACTED
Mon Sep 19 23:40:26 CEST 2016

On 09/19/2016 10:14 AM, Ameretat Reith wrote:
> Can I (in inets:start call) tell I wan't IPv4 sockets?

I'm pretty sure that adding the tuple

{bind_address, {0,0,0,0}}

to the property list in the inets:start call [0] will create an HTTP
server that listens for only IPv4 requests. (Feel free to replace the
IPv4 ANY address with a real address if you only want to listen on a
particular interface.)

I have no idea how to fix your problem with tseung, though.

[0] The prop list is the second argument to the inets:start function.

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