[erlang-questions] Why erlang's computing performance is enormously less than c++
Richard Carlsson
Fri Nov 11 11:13:09 CET 2016
You are comparing a native-compiled C++ program that works on small arrays
of raw numbers with an interpreted Erlang program that traverses linked
lists of tagged numbers. The only surprise is that the difference is _only_
a factor 10. (And if the C code was using integers instead of double
precision floats, it would be even faster.)
2016-11-11 8:26 GMT+01:00 谈广云 <fw339tgy@REDACTED>:
> i campare the erlang's computing with c++
> erlang run 100000000 time the test_sum_0
> test_sum_0(N) ->
> bp_eva_delta([1,2,3,4],[3,4,5,6],[]),
> test_sum_0(N-1).
> bp_eva_delta([],_,L) ->
> lists:reverse(L);
> bp_eva_delta([O|Output],[S|Sigma],L) ->
> bp_eva_delta(Output,Sigma,[S * O * (1-O) |L]).
> c++ run the same time (100000000 ) the similar fun ,
> for(int i = 0 ;i< 100000000;++i)
> {
> double b[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
> double s[5] = {6,7,8,9,10};
> double o[5];
> for(int i = 0; i < 5;++i)
> {
> o[i] = s[i] * b[i] * (1 - b[i]);
> }
> }.
> the erlang spend 29's , and c++ spend 2.78's.
> why the erlang is so slower than c++?
> Or I do not configure the right parameter?
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