[erlang-questions] The way of accessing record's attributes.

Alex Feng sweden.feng@REDACTED
Tue Nov 8 14:12:35 CET 2016


Does anyone know why erlang has to attach the record's name to be able to
access an attribute ?
I don't understand, for example, the record "#robot" has been assigned to
variable "Crusher", why do we have to use  "Crusher#robot.hobbies" instead
of "Crusher.hobbies" ?

5> Crusher = #robot{name="Crusher", hobbies=["Crushing people","petting
#robot{name = "Crusher",type = industrial,
hobbies = ["Crushing people","petting cats"],
details = []}
6> Crusher#robot.hobbies.
["Crushing people","petting cats"]

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