[erlang-questions] Performance of maps:get()

Dmitry Belyaev be.dmitry@REDACTED
Wed May 18 13:55:29 CEST 2016

As a first step try a compiled version, not a test in a shell. 

On 18 May 2016 1:35:49 PM AEST, Avinash Dhumane <nistrigunya@REDACTED> wrote:
>For my algorithm trading application, gains even in 5 to 10
>I used maps extensively to improve expressiveness of the design.
>But, here is a small observation about maps. I am not sure if the
>performance variation seen is indeed true, or if my test case is wrong.
>either case, please point me to the right way of efficiently using of
>avinash@REDACTED:~/tws$ erl
>Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:10]
>[hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
>Eshell V7.3  (abort with ^G)
>%%% compute average of timer:tc() return values (timings)
>1> Avg = fun(PerfList) -> Sum = lists:sum(lists:map(fun({Time, _}) ->
>end, PerfList)), Len = erlang:length(PerfList), Sum div Len  end.
>%%% a test map of size 3
>2> Map = #{{a, 1} => 100, {a, 2} => 200, {a, 3} => 300}.
>#{{a,1} => 100,{a,2} => 200,{a,3} => 300}
>%%% performance: without maps:get()
>3> PerfList1 = lists:map(fun(_) -> timer:tc(fun() -> K1 = {a, 1}, K2 =
>2}, K3 = {a, 3}, #{K1 := V1, K2 := V2, K3 := V3} = Map, {V1, V2, V3}
>end, lists:seq(1,100)).
> {81,{100,200,300}},
> {88,{100,200,300}},
>.....details deleted.....
> {91,{100,200,...}},
> {83,{100,...}},
> {85,{...}},
> {107,...},
> {...}|...]
>%%% performance: with maps:get()
>4> PerfList2 = lists:map(fun(_) -> timer:tc(fun() -> {maps:get({a,1},
>maps:get({a,2}, Map), maps:get({a,3}, Map)} end) end, lists:seq(1,
> {12,{100,200,300}},
> {33,{100,200,300}},
>.....details deleted.....
> {13,{100,200,...}},
> {12,{100,...}},
> {12,{...}},
> {12,...},
> {...}|...]
>%%% compare performance: maps:get() is 7-times faster
>5> {Avg(PerfList1), Avg(PerfList2)}.
>erlang-questions mailing list

Best wishes, 
Dmitry Belyaev
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