[erlang-questions] function clauses with maps (18.3)

Luis Azedo luis.azedo@REDACTED
Wed Mar 30 22:01:49 CEST 2016


this doesn't compile in 18.3. is it supposed to work with the maps spec ?
maybe in a later release ?

-spec my_match(atom(), atom(), map()) -> any().
my_match(Classification, CarType, #{my_key := #{ Classification := #{
<<"cars">> := #{ CarType := Map}}}}) ->
variable 'Classification' is unbound
variable 'CarType' is unbound

this works but we're not taking advantage of function clauses.

my_match(Classification, CarType, M ) ->
    #{my_key := #{ Classification := #{ <<"cars">> := #{ CarType := Map}}}}
= M,

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