[erlang-questions] [ANN] Positive version 13.3.7

Matthew Shapiro me@REDACTED
Fri Mar 25 22:42:23 CET 2016

Unfortunately, that's way too true :(.

My real project I"m learning Erlang for is for an video ingestion server,
because I believe I can create something that works better than what we are
currently using at our company, and Erlang and the Beam VM hits every
checkbox so much better than every other language and runtime out there.

Unfortunately, I am also keenly aware I will never bring this into
production at my company since we are a small startup (5 people total, 2
engineers) in Orlando, FL which has zero Erlang developers positions around
(and probably thus a small pool of potential developers).  It's so
fundamentally different (both on a framework and language level) from most
other languages in this area that onboarding a new developer onto Erlang in
sufficient amount of time is not going to be trivial or cheap, and anything
I put into production needs to be able to be maintained by others that are
not me.  So while Erlang checks all the boxes I still can't say it's the
right tool due to that :-/.

Of course, Javascript 100% is not the right tool for this job in every way,
shape, or form (I actually had a Javascript developer in my coworking space
ask why I wasn't doing it in Node.js, sigh).

On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 3:10 PM, Loïc Hoguin <essen@REDACTED> wrote:

> There is no such thing as the right tool for the job.
> There's the tools that work *for you*, and those that don't.
> JS is working for a lot of people. Erlang for a lot less.
> In the real world, all that matters is that the tool is *good enough* and
> that you are *familiar* with it.
> Any combination where one of these is false leads to disaster. People who
> never used Erlang before will not magically come up with a good
> implementation (they can, but it takes a lot more time). Similarly, people
> who are trying to use Erlang for what it's not good at will also fail, or
> struggle to make it work.
> When choosing a tool for a project, the question should really be "Which
> tool do I know or can quickly get comfortable with, and can help me produce
> a working solution?"
> The answer to that question is different for everyone.
> On 03/25/2016 07:47 PM, Lee Sylvester wrote:
>> JS is a major player due to laziness.  I'm sorry, but a JS runtime on
>> the server is never a good idea.  I don't use Elixir / Erlang for every
>> project, I use the right tool for the job, whether I've used it before
>> or not.  It just so happens that Elixir / Erlang is often the right tool.
>> I'm sure it's the same for you guys?  The fact that Erlangs language is
>> poetry and Elixir's eco-system is bliss means nothing :-P
>> On Mar 26, 2016 7:21 AM, "Michael Truog" <mjtruog@REDACTED
>> <mailto:mjtruog@REDACTED>> wrote:
>>     On 03/25/2016 10:55 AM, Loïc Hoguin wrote:
>>         On 03/25/2016 02:20 AM, zxq9 wrote:
>>         Shame is temporary. A good story is for life.
>>         What happened is a story for the ages. And a pretty good one.
>>     I agree.  This is a positive contribution and no one can deny that.
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> --
> Loïc Hoguin
> http://ninenines.eu
> Author of The Erlanger Playbook,
> A book about software development using Erlang
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