[erlang-questions] Beginner question
Joe Armstrong
Wed Mar 16 05:22:30 CET 2016
Here's a tip
I *always* start writing message processing lops like this:
loop(State) ->
Any ->
io:format("***unexpected ~p~n",[Any]),
Then I compile and run this with my problem.
Of course, I'll get a printout
since the program is incomplete. I then let these printouts guide the
order in which I
write the program - I add a pattern for the first unmatched message,
recompile and run again.
When there are no more messages saying things are unmatched I remove the
last pattern (or just leave it in).
In a published program the last part is most often removed, it was necessary
during development but can be removed once you have a correct program.
What you see in published examples is the final result - during development
it's helpful to add print statements so you can see what's happeing and remove
them later.
I think if you'd done this you'd have immediately seen what was wrong.
On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 1:28 PM, Pietro <pulsarpietro@REDACTED> wrote:
> dmkolesnikov@REDACTED writes:
>> Hello,
>> You are using atoms instead of variables in your program. Erlang
>> variables starts with capital letter.
>> The receive loop cannot match your message:
>> {From, {insert, key, value}} ->
>> It expects one triple of atoms but you send different one.
>> test:interact(Pid, {insert, testkey, testvalue}).
>> Dmitry
>> Sent from my iPhone
> Ouch ! Thank you very much, I knew I were missing something crucial
> here, would you help me in my next step ?
> loop(Table) ->
> receive
> {From, {insert, Key, Value}} ->
> io:format("Here insert"),
> Return = ets:insert(Table, {Key, Value}),
> From ! Return,
> loop(Table);
> {From, {lookup, Key}} ->
> io:format("Here lookup"),
> Return = ets:lookup(Table, Key),
> From ! Return,
> loop(Table);
> {From, Any} ->
> From ! {self(), {error,Any}},
> loop(Table)
> end.
> This code results in :
> 1> c(test).
> {ok,test}
> 2> Pid = test:start().
> <0.40.0>
> 3> Pid ! {self(), {insert, a, 1}}.
> Here insert{<0.33.0>,{insert,a,1}}
> 4> Pid ! {self(), {lookup, a}}.
> Here lookup{<0.33.0>,{lookup,a}}
> It does not return the the stored values even though it clearly matches
> the patterns, where is the rub here ?
>> On 15 Mar 2016, at 00:53, Pietro <pulsarpietro@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have recently started to implement a small academic project in
>> Erlang
>> and I have bumped into a problem which seems to show to myself I
>> haven't
>> grasped something important about the technology itself.
>> That's my code :
>> -module(test).
>> -export([start/0, interact/2]).
>> start() ->
>> spawn (fun() -> startloop() end).
>> interact(Pid, Request) ->
>> Pid ! {self(), Request},
>> receive
>> {Pid, Response} -> Response
>> end.
>> startloop() ->
>> TableId = ets:new(dictionary, [set]),
>> loop(TableId).
>> loop(Table) ->
>> receive
>> {From, {insert, key, value}} ->
>> From ! ets:insert(Table, {key, value}),
>> loop(Table);
>> {From, {lookup, key}} ->
>> From ! ets:lookup(Table, key),
>> loop(Table);
>> Any ->
>> Any
>> end.
>> The problem happens when I try to interact with the server I start
>> using
>> the command:
>> Pid = test:start().
>> Then I run :
>> test:interact(Pid, {insert, testkey, testvalue}).
>> My ershell at this point hangs and nothing happens ... what is
>> happening
>> ? Please feel free to redirect me to a more appropriate newsgroup
>> if my
>> question is not appropriate or if there is a better one.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Pietro.
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