[erlang-questions] Beginner question
Siraaj Khandkar
Tue Mar 15 06:26:47 CET 2016
On Mar 14, 2016, at 18:53, Pietro <pulsarpietro@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have recently started to implement a small academic project in Erlang
> and I have bumped into a problem which seems to show to myself I haven't
> grasped something important about the technology itself.
> That's my code :
> -module(test).
> -export([start/0, interact/2]).
> start() ->
> spawn (fun() -> startloop() end).
> interact(Pid, Request) ->
> Pid ! {self(), Request},
> receive
> {Pid, Response} -> Response
> end.
> startloop() ->
> TableId = ets:new(dictionary, [set]),
> loop(TableId).
> loop(Table) ->
> receive
> {From, {insert, key, value}} ->
> From ! ets:insert(Table, {key, value}),
> loop(Table);
> {From, {lookup, key}} ->
> From ! ets:lookup(Table, key),
> loop(Table);
> Any ->
> Any
> end.
> The problem happens when I try to interact with the server I start using
> the command:
> Pid = test:start().
> Then I run :
> test:interact(Pid, {insert, testkey, testvalue}).
> My ershell at this point hangs and nothing happens ... what is happening
> ? Please feel free to redirect me to a more appropriate newsgroup if my
> question is not appropriate or if there is a better one.
interact/2 is waiting for a message structured differently from what loop/1 is sending.
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