[erlang-questions] Add a new data structure to erlang VM.

Constantin Kulikov zxnotdead@REDACTED
Sat Jul 9 19:54:01 CEST 2016

If I want to add a new datastructure to erlang(my local fork of the
erlang-otp from github), what should I do? Yes, I mean a C-level module

Let's say I want to add a double linked list(just for simplicity) module
with an interface like that:
dlist:new() -> ?some king of reference to a list?
dlist:push(item) -> ?reference to a list?
dlist:pop() -> {item, ?reference to a list?}

Is it possible at all? Has anyone ever tried to do something like this?
What definitions to what files should I add? How must I allocate my data
structure? How must I reference items in it?
Can someone point me to source locations where erlang's list/ets
table/tuple operations(creating a new, storing a reference to objects)
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