[erlang-questions] Architecture question: logging inside library

Mark Allen mrallen1@REDACTED
Mon Jan 11 17:51:00 CET 2016

Macros is the approach we've used in some places (basho_bench) for example.  But a lot of these other suggestions are good. :) 

    On Monday, January 11, 2016 2:40 AM, Dmitry Kolesnikov <dmkolesnikov@REDACTED> wrote:


I am using macro to wrap logger library. 
This gives me a freedom to config desired library and behavior at build time.  

-define(EMERGENCY(Fmt, Args), lager:emergency(Fmt, Args)).

-define(ALERT(Fmt, Args), lager:alert(Fmt, Args)).

-define(CRITICAL(Fmt, Args), lager:critical(Fmt, Args)).

-define(ERROR(Fmt, Args), lager:error(Fmt, Args)).

-define(WARNING(Fmt, Args), lager:warning(Fmt, Args)).

-define(NOTICE(Fmt, Args), lager:notice(Fmt, Args)).

-define(INFO(Fmt, Args), lager:info(Fmt, Args)).

  -define(DEBUG(Str, Args), lager:debug(Str, Args)).
  -define(DEBUG(Str, Args), ok).

Best Regards,

> On Jan 11, 2016, at 9:34 AM, Max Lapshin <max.lapshin@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi.
> As we know, it is good when library doesn't have any hardcoded dependencies at all.
> I don't understand what is a good way to remove lager (or any other logging library) from library dependencies.
> For example, we have an mpegts decoder/encoder library. This library takes binary and unpacks it to list of frames or packs back:
> mpegts_decoder:decode(Binary,  mpegts_decoder:init(Options)) ->  {ok, Frames, State}
> There are calls to lager in some places of code that are used for indicating some statuses:
> dump_psi(Decoder, NewPMT),
> lager:info("PMT: ~p", [Descriptors]),
> ...
> What is the proper way to refuse from adding logger as a dependency for such pure library?
> Pass a callback into  initialisation options?
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