[erlang-questions] Lager and syslog

Kenneth Lakin kennethlakin@REDACTED
Fri Aug 5 23:03:28 CEST 2016

On 08/05/2016 11:34 AM, Ehsan Mohammadi wrote:
> hi
> i`m trying to use lager_syslog in my project but it seems a driver is
> missing rebar.conf:

IIRC, rebar3 moved the port compiler out to a rebar3 plugin, rather than
packing it in with the core project. From what I've seen, rebar2
projects that relied on it will fail to load their port drivers.


  [{override, syslog, [
    {plugins, [pc]},
    {artifacts, ["priv/syslog_drv.so"]},
    {provider_hooks, [
        {compile, {pc, compile}},
        {clean, {pc, clean}}

to a rebar.conf in your project, clean, and rebuild. (The syslog project
is where lager_syslog's port driver lives.)

See also: https://github.com/blt/port_compiler#use-with-existing-dependency

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