[erlang-questions] variable exported from case in OTP 18
Tue Sep 29 13:58:41 CEST 2015
On 2015年9月29日 火曜日 20:42:19 zxq9 wrote:
> On 2015年9月29日 火曜日 11:06:48 Martin Koroudjiev wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am confused why this code generates warning with the warn_export_vars
> > option:
> This has been discussed several times (here, for example: http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2014-March/078017.html), and because of the weirdness of case scope being one way (its a scope semantically and conceptually, but its not really) and list comprehensions being another (it really is a separate scope, but that's not how some other languages work) this has been made into a warning.
By the way -- something I should have mentioned is that this is almost never a problem in practice because the normal way to deal with lots of declarations within a `case` (usually because you have a large chain of case statements within a single function, so lots of bindings lay around in scope or collide) is to break most of this stuff out into separate functions.
For example, your original code is something I don't think anyone would write:
> test(Mode) ->
> case Mode of
> r -> {ok, FP} = file:open("warn.erl", [read]);
> w -> {ok, FP} = file:open("warn.erl", [write])
> end,
> file:close(FP).
Would be more like:
test(Mode) ->
{ok, FD} = file:open("warn.erl", [mode(Mode)]),
ok = do_stuff(FD),
mode(r) -> read;
mode(w) -> write.
This bothered me initially because it is hard to imagine this being more natural any other way -- and its pretty weird to need 'r' or 'w' instead of 'read' or 'write' to begin with. But contrived examples are difficult to compare to real situations sometimes.
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