[erlang-questions] why is the the output not a list
Stefan Schmiedl
Sat Sep 26 19:37:38 CEST 2015
Roelof Wobben (26.09. 17:47):
> Still something is not working as expected and I do not see what it is,
> I have this code now :
> -module(number_parser).
> -export([scan/1]).
> scan(String) ->
> scan(String, []).
> scan([], List) ->
> List;
> scan([Head | Rest], List_parse) when Head >= $0, Head =< $9 ->
> digits(Head, Rest, List_parse);
> scan( [$+ | Rest], List_parse) ->
> scan(Rest, [$+ | List_parse] );
> scan([32 | Rest], List_parse) ->
> scan(Rest, List_parse).
> digits(Number, [Head | Rest] , List_parse ) when Head >= $0 , Head =< $9 ->
> io:format("Number: ~w", [Number]),
> io:format("Head: ~w", [Head] ),
> New_number = (Number - 48) * 10 + Head - 48,
> digits(New_number, Rest, List_parse);
Danger, Roelof!
You're calling digits with arguments from different domains.
Assuming "10 + 1":
- scan calls it with digits(49, "0 + 1", []), i.e. "a character from the
input domain" as first argument
- digits binds New_number to 1*10+0 and calls itself with digits(10," + 1", []),
i.e. "a number from the output domain" as first argument
At that point I stopped reading and tried to build a parser according to
your approach:
scan(String) -> scan(String, []).
scan([], Parsed) -> Parsed;
scan([32|R], Parsed) -> scan(R, Parsed);
scan([$+|R], Parsed) -> scan(R, ['+' | Parsed]);
scan([H|_]=String, Parsed)
when H >= $0, H =< $9 -> digits(0, String, Parsed).
digits(N, [], Parsed) -> [N | Parsed];
digits(N, [H|R], Parsed)
when H >= $0, H =< $9 -> digits(N*10+(H-$0), R, Parsed);
digits(N, String, Parsed) -> scan(String, [N | Parsed]).
In fact, I just did and these are the results:
1> c(number_parser).
2> number_parser:scan("1+1").
3> number_parser:scan("10 + 1").
So you'd still need to reverse the list after finishing the parsing:
scan(String) -> lists:reverse(scan(String, [])).
yep, this works:
4> c(number_parser).
5> number_parser:scan("10 + 1").
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