[erlang-questions] feedback please
Richard A. O'Keefe
Fri Sep 25 02:50:41 CEST 2015
First, let's clean up the code you posted,
which seems to have been garbled a bit in transmission.
get_balance(Balance) ->
io:format("Your account balance is $~w.~n", [Balance]),
Entered_action = io:get_line(
"Which Action do you need (w)ithdraw/(d)eposit? "),
Action = string:strip(Entered_action, right, $\n),
Entered_amount = io:get_line(
"What Amount do you want to withdraw/deposit? "),
Amount2 = string:to_integer(string:strip(Entered_amount, right, $\n)),
Amount = element(1, Amount2),
get_balance(Balance, Action, Amount).
get_balance(0, "w", _) ->
io:format("You have no funds to withdraw.~n"),
get_balance(Balance, "w", Amount)
when Amount > Balance ->
io:format("You cannot withdraw more than you have.~n"),
get_balance(Balance, "w", Amount) ->
get_balance(Balance - Amount);
get_balance(Balance, "d", Amount) ->
get_balance(Balance + Amount).
Second, let's look at the names.
What does "get" mean?
So why is it even there?
If anything "get_balance" implies something that *reports*
a balance *without changing it*, which makes "get" worse
than useless.
Call it something like "maintain_balance/1."
Now, let's look at your sanity checking.
- You ensure that the *change* to a balance is an integer,
but you nowhere check that the *initial* balance is one.
- You check that someone doesn't withdraw more than they
have, but you do not check that they do not deposit a
large negative amount.
Your account balance is $1050.
Which Action do you need (w)ithdraw/(d)eposit? d
What Amount do you want to withdraw/deposit? -2000
Finally, it's nice to be able to stop the loop without having
to crash it.
There are several further improvements possible,
but at this point here's what we get:
when is_integer(Initial_Balance), Initial_Balance >= 0 ->
loop(Balance) ->
io:format("~nYour account balance is $~w.~n", [Balance]),
case prompted_character(
"Which Action do you need (w)ithdraw/(d)eposit/(q)uit? ")
of $q -> Balance
; $w -> Amount = prompted_integer(
"What amount do you want to withdraw? "),
loop(withdraw(Balance, Amount))
; $d -> Amount = prompted_integer(
"What amount do you want to deposit? "),
loop(deposit(Balance, Amount))
prompted_character(Prompt) ->
prompted_integer(Prompt) ->
Amount = list_to_integer(string:strip(io:get_line(Prompt), right, $\n)),
if Amount < 0 -> io:format("Amounts should not be negative.~n"), 0
; Amount >= 0 -> Amount
withdraw(Balance, Amount)
when Balance >= Amount ->
Balance - Amount;
withdraw(Balance, _) ->
io:format("Insufficient funds.~n"),
deposit(Balance, Amount) ->
Balance + Amount.
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