[erlang-questions] Cannot add supervisor to application's supervisor in runtime

Ameretat Reith ameretat.reith@REDACTED
Tue Sep 8 10:04:58 CEST 2015


I'm trying to add new supervisor `ch_sup` and It's worker `ch` to
an application supervisor `app_sup` with this appup:

   [{add_module, ch},
    {add_module, ch_sup},
    {update, app_sup, supervisor},
    {apply, {supervisor, restart_child, [app_sup, ch_sup]}}
   [{apply, {supervisor, terminate_child, [app_sup, ch_sup]}},
    {apply, {supervisor, delete_child, [app_sup, ch_sup]}},
    {update, app_sup, supervisor},
    {delete_module, ch_sup},
    {delete_module, ch}

And this relup generated by systools:make_relup:


New release installs But app_sup's child spec wont change, neither
ch_sup start until I terminate app_sup and start It again with
`supervisor:restart_child(real_app_sup, app_sup)`. app is an
included application which is put in real_app's supervision tree. I
don't think app as an included application, should be regarded
special here, since I use It just as a supervisor. But seems I'm wrong..

So, What is the problem? Can I achieve changing app_sup's main
supervisor without restarting It's process?


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